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Barack Obama won the Nobel Peace Prize

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US President Barack Obama has said he was "surprised and deeply humbled" to be awarded the Nobel Peace Prize, less than 10 months into his presidency.

Speaking at the White House hours after the Norwegian Nobel Prize Committee named him as a surprise winner, he said the award should be a "call to action".

The world faced challenges that "cannot be met by one person or by one nation alone," Mr Obama said.

The committee said he won for efforts to boost diplomacy and co-operation.

"Only very rarely has a person to the same extent as Obama captured the world's attention and given its people hope for a better future," the Norwegian committee said in a statement.

"His diplomacy is founded in the concept that those who are to lead the world must do so on the basis of values and attitudes that are shared by the majority of the world's population."

Long-term goals

Standing in the Rose Garden to make his first public statement since being woken early by aides bringing news of the award, Mr Obama stressed that his win was just the beginning of his work.

He said he did not feel he deserved to be in the company of some of the "transformative figures" who had previously received the award.

Some of his aims, particularly the goal of universal nuclear disarmament, would be difficult to achieve even within his lifetime, let alone his presidency, Mr Obama said.

And he sought to deflect some of the global surprise at his win, describing the award as "affirmation of American leadership on behalf of aspirations held by people in all nations".

"I know that throughout history the Nobel Peace Prize has not just been used to honour specific achievements," he said.

"It's also been used as a means to give momentum to a set of causes. And that is why I will accept this award as a call to action, a call for all nations to confront the common challenges of the 21st Century."

Public bemused

There were a record 205 nominations for this year's peace prize. Zimbabwean Prime Minister Morgan Tsvangirai and Chinese dissident Hu Jia had been among the favourites.

The award is certainly unexpected and might be regarded as more of an encouragement for intentions than a reward for achievements.

After all, the president has been in office for a little over eight months and he might hope to serve eight years. His ambition for a world free of nuclear weapons is one that is easier to declare than to achieve and a climate control agreement has yet to be reached.

Indeed, the citation indicates that it is President Obama's world view that attracted the Nobel committee - that diplomacy should be founded "on the basis of values and attitudes that are shared by the majority of the world's population".

Obama rewarded for world view

Instead the committee chose Mr Obama, who was inaugurated less than two weeks before the 1 February nomination deadline.

His win surprised most observers, eliciting gasps from those assembled in the room when his name was read out.

And while there was support for the decision, notably from world leaders, many others expressed their scepticism.

In the US the chairman of the Republican National Committee, Michael Steele, asked a simple question: "What has President Obama actually accomplished?"

Attributing Mr Obama's win to his "star power", Mr Steele said it was "unfortunate" he "outshined tireless advocates who have made real achievements working towards peace and human rights".

A large majority of remarks from BBC viewers, listeners and website users also expressed surprise.

Senior Democratic figures rebuffed Mr Steele's remarks, with former Vice-President Al Gore, a joint recipient of the award in 2007, calling Mr Obama's win "extremely well deserved".

"I think that much of what he has accomplished already is going to be far more appreciated in the eyes of history," Mr Gore said.

But spokesmen from anti-US Islamist groups such as the Taliban and Hamas focussed on the present, saying they had seen no evidence yet of improvements in security for people in their regions and as such opposed the award.

'New climate'

Since taking office in January, President Obama has pursued an ambitious international agenda including a push for peace in the Middle East and negotiations over Iran's nuclear programme.

Asked why the prize had been awarded to Mr Obama less than a year after he took office, Nobel Committee head Thorbjoern Jagland said: "It was because we would like to support what he is trying to achieve".

World reacts to Obama peace prize

Profile: Barack Obama

He specifically mentioned Mr Obama's work to strengthen international institutions and work towards a world free of nuclear arms. The statement from the Nobel Committee said Mr Obama had "created a new climate in international politics".

However, critics say he has failed to make breakthroughs. Domestically, Mr Obama has been working to tackle an economic crisis and win support for healthcare reform.

Archbishop Desmond Tutu of South Africa, a former winner, said the prize was a way of encouraging the US leader early in his presidency.

Mr Obama is the first US president to win the prize since former US President Jimmy Carter in 2002. Theodore Roosevelt won the prize in 1906 and Woodrow Wilson won it in 1919.

in my opinion he hasn't done anything YET, but will be <_<

still a bit immature..

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In his defense, Obama had nothing to do with the award and said that he didn't feel he should be held in the same esteem as others who have won previously. I think the decision is pretty indefensible, regardless of your political beliefs.

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Just like NHL contracts, rewarding based on potential and not results.

Don't get me wrong, he has done something, and will do more. In my opinion this ain't no draft party for someone who has potential.

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Just like NHL contracts, rewarding based on potential and not results.

Don't get me wrong, he has done something, and will do more. In my opinion this ain't no draft party for someone who has potential.

And what has he done?

This article from Time pretty much sums it all up.

"The last thing Barack Obama needed at this moment in his presidency and our politics is a prize for a promise."


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Obama's not an idiot, he knows he didn't do anything so far to deserve such an award.

The thing that bothers me is how sites like Fox and Drudge try to make it seem like Obama gave the award to himself. All part of the Blame Obama for everything campaign I quess.

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Is it really any different than the blame Bush for everything campaign, or the blame Clinton for everything campaign or the blame...............? It is known as politics and the folks on one side will always blame the folks on the other, regardless of whether they had anything to do with it or not.

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Is it really any different than the blame Bush for everything campaign, or the blame Clinton for everything campaign or the blame...............? It is known as politics and the folks on one side will always blame the folks on the other, regardless of whether they had anything to do with it or not.

And both sides get worse every year.

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hooray for politics. I don't hate obama or anything, but there was almost no reason to give this to him. He should donate the money to a worthy, non-political cause or attempt to reject the award all together.

Oh god, i bet the conservative radio hosts (limbaugh, shitt, savage, etc) wet themselves over this one.

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Not an Obama supporter at all but how can you bash someone for winning an award that they had no control over?

I don't see anyone here bashing him for winning the award. Questioning the people who handed it out, but I don't think anyone in their right mind can blame him.

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Not an Obama supporter at all but how can you bash someone for winning an award that they had no control over?

I don't see anyone here bashing him for winning the award. Questioning the people who handed it out, but I don't think anyone in their right mind can blame him.

Wasn't really directing that at anyone in this thread just commenting in general.....

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