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Open hockey prices

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We pay $10 for adult drop-in on Sunday nights. Runs for an hour and a half. A little less $ for adult drop-in at lunchtime Wed and Fri. Have seen as few as 7 skaters/1 goalie and as many as 22 skaters/3 goalies. Usually it's a pretty fast-paced game. When I first got back out I really struggled being away from it for well over 30 years, but it's coming back to me slowly, lol. At least I don't feel overwhelmed anymore. I also started playing in a fall league on a B team in another town and that has helped immensely. There are some weeks where I've been on the ice twice, but usually just once as some league games conflict with the local Sunday drop-ins. At my age twice a week is enough especially with a 10 yr old and family time, lol.

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I have a bunch of rinks within 30 minutes of my house...

Here's the info on some of the pricing...pretty consistent...and cheap!

Conway Arena - Nashua, NH

$8 Stick and Puck or book of 10 for $64

Ice Center - Salem, NH

$8 Stick and puck, $10 drop in hockey

Cyclones Arena - Hudson, NH

$7 Stick and puck

Tri-Town Arena - Hooksett, NH

$7 Stick and puck

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  shifter said:
Canlan Ice sports

stick n puck-5$

skating -5$

renting ice 1.5h - 50$

adult shinny - 5$

:D love it

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They have ice in Canlan rinks now? I thought they were still using lightly chilled slush.

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heh I've actually never been to the one in victoria park but it looks way smaller then the one at markham and steeles. Is it that bad at vic park?

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Open hockey is usually $5-10 but there's usually 25 guys and nobody takes a shift. Stick and puck is $7...need more rinks to do it though. Structured pickup is $15 (JMS). League games average out to $20.

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  gxc999 said:
  tt350z said:
Pick up from 11:30a-1:30p and than again at 3:30p-5:30p for $2.50 a session
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Man, what I wouldn't give for that...

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Yea, it's pretty awesome. I normally play 4 days a week at 11:30 which is nice since I can get plenty of ice time since I just started ice hockey. We also rent the ice on the weekends for $145 for 1.5 hrs. Not a bad price when you have 14 other coworkers that comes out, keeps it nice and private.

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The open hockey at Mackay in Englewood, NJ used to be about $10 for 90 minutes. The rink has only a roof so if its 10*, it's 10*!

You don't want to know what I pay for hockey at Sport-o-Rama in Monsey, NY. If it weren't for the primo ice time(6:30PM on a Friday night), my buddies and the beer, I would never skate there.

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Drop in/pick up about $10 to $15 here is south central Connecticut. League fees average out to anywhere between $15 to $25 a game.

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