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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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What is your oldest piece of equipment?

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Was reading the thread about NHLers and endorsements, and this question popped into my head. What is the oldest piece of equipment you own and use regularly? I have on old pair of Cooper shoulder pads, that, to the untrained eye, look like they could fall apart at any moment :)...but, they're my babies...

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My shin pads, elbow, and shoulder pads are all about 10yrs old. Shins and elbows in need of replacing soon..... :) My Tackla pants have to be about 10 yrs old too, but I love them!

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Cooper shoulder pads from my cousin who passed 2 years ago. After his funeral his dad came to our house with his bag and said we all thought you would put this stuff to good use. My brother took his gloves and jersey from Hutch-Tech since they were on the same team. Shoulders and the rest of the stuff came with me to Wash DC. I will shoot a pic some day. If not for rotator cuff surgery I would still be rocking them instead of the Farrels

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None of my stuff is that old, it's probably my Easton SP 8200 shoulders (no idea how old those are, got them unused secondhand, and haven't been able to find any info on them).

I doubt many here could top the goalie on one of my men's league teams though. He used the same stuff he had since the late 70's. Still uses the pads, but he replaced the chest protector after years of it being held together by safety pins.

Oh, and before he switched over, he removed padding from the new protector.

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None of my stuff is that old, it's probably my Easton SP 8200 shoulders (no idea how old those are, got them unused secondhand, and haven't been able to find any info on them).

I doubt many here could top the goalie on one of my men's league teams though. He used the same stuff he had since the late 70's. Still uses the pads, but he replaced the chest protector after years of it being held together by safety pins.

Oh, and before he switched over, he removed padding from the new protector.

I would love to take some shots against that guy!

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I used to shoot against a goalie who would rock the old brown leather pads...also had vintage jerseys and actually wore the old style mask too. Guy must have been nuts. I believe I did peg him in the mask once too...

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I have a bunch of older equipment but I am 43 myself.

CCM 655 Tacks skates

Franklin 9505 gloves

Mission Apex inline pants

Easton Taperwall stick (probably the oldest thing I have that I still use 15+ years I'm guessing)

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Vapor 4 Shoulder pads and elbow pads are just over 7 years old. Jock is definitely close to 10, and the cup is barely staying in there. I've got to find a way to sew it back up....

My best quality piece of old equipment is my Vapor XX gloves which are 5 years old and have no holes in the palm, just the stitching has come undone in some parts.

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A pair of Bauer Flax shoulder pads from 1989. I have had the straps changed three times. I just can't get used to anything new.

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Sounds gross, but it is my cup! Shock Doctor Bio Flex. Got it in December '09. Everything else has been replaced since then...

You see, that may be your oldest thing, but it's not remotely old. Crosby's been using the same one since he was 14 or something like that. Now THAT's gross.

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Sounds gross, but it is my cup! Shock Doctor Bio Flex. Got it in December '09. Everything else has been replaced since then...

You see, that may be your oldest thing, but it's not remotely old. Crosby's been using the same one since he was 14 or something like that. Now THAT's gross.

I'm sorry, but that isn't old. That's the opposite. If you got it in December '09 doesn't that mean you got it in the future....

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my jock...its about 5 years old but laundered twice a week minimum (bought another jock 2 years ago)...

i also have a pair of itech hockey gloves HG22 i think...they are about 4-5 years old approximately, they are now ball hockey gloves. still going strong.

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I'm sorry, but that isn't old. That's the opposite. If you got it in December '09 doesn't that mean you got it in the future....

My fault, '08!

And its not old, I agree. I replace/buy new stuff often... I also just started playing again in January after about 11 years off...

I do have an Easton Shanahan blade circa 1998-ish, but I don't use it!

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Sounds gross, but it is my cup! Shock Doctor Bio Flex. Got it in December '09. Everything else has been replaced since then...

You see, that may be your oldest thing, but it's not remotely old. Crosby's been using the same one since he was 14 or something like that. Now THAT's gross.

I'm sorry, but that isn't old. That's the opposite. If you got it in December '09 doesn't that mean you got it in the future....

its on his christmas wishlist.

my oldest is my skates... G5s from '06. everything else has been replaced since then. before that, it was a neck guard that i had for my entire childhood and into my teens until youth organized hockey ended for me (wore it for over 10 years).

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my old cooper girdle. I've had it since I played high school so about 11 years. I've done some serious Dr. Frankenstein work on it. Then my old jofa elbow pads for 10 years.

I'm a bit more of a traditionalist around here :)

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