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4 rolls vs. Pro Style

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What style is better for an Offensive D-man, or a Defensive Forward(interchangable in this case, we're playing 3 on 3 pond hockey with full pads)? Please list pros and cons of each glove type. Thank you.

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My fault. Gloves that have segmented backhands, like the CCM Vector series, or the NBH Vapor Gloves are what I'm referring to as "Pro Style", vs the CCM Pro Tacks(which are 4-rolls)

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I have no idea what your talking about. But when it comes to gloves, it's all personal preference. No one glove is going to make a difference in your performance. Just get what ever glove you feel the most comfortable in.

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I really should be more specific in what I'm looking for. What do most of you prefer and why? I'm torn. I have 2 pair of CCM gloves, one Pro Tacks, One V02(Vector Series). Both fit me differently, and it's difficult to have a "go-to" glove when I love both of them.

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For me, I used to be a volume fit guy only (4rolls), but not so much any more. I can use any fit, as long as the palms are nice and soft clarino or nash. I can't stand the feeling of palms with different inserts or materials like the one90's or 6k's.

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Anotomical Fitting Gloves (NB Supreme Series, Easton S17, Warrior AK27, MacDaddy etc.) : Less protection, superior fit

4-Roll (NB 4R): Loose fit, large glove, superior protection

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My CCM 4-Rolls are 13" and they are like a modded 14 in the cuff, but a 13 in the fingers. My Vectors are 15" and they are very 14" like in the fingers, and have huge cuffs.

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I doubt anything "pro style" exists since both 4-5 roll type gloves are very common in the NHL along with the other styles you mentioned. I'm willing to bet the NBH 4-roll and other 4 roll types (Easton/Warrior) are dominant in the NHL right now, but not sure if there is a glove for a specific position.

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I really should be more specific in what I'm looking for. What do most of you prefer and why? I'm torn. I have 2 pair of CCM gloves, one Pro Tacks, One V02(Vector Series). Both fit me differently, and it's difficult to have a "go-to" glove when I love both of them.

So you have a pair of PRO Tacks and a pair of V02(the lowest level Vector glove) and you want to know what's the best?

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if its really bugging you as to which style to go for i would give the TPS R8's a try. The have four roll protection like a full thumb lock and padding on the pinky finger but they also have some nice features like angled rolls and a three piece forefinger. Coming from vapors they were the best fit for me in a "traditional" style glove.

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The back of the glove style is irrelevant, the palm is the only thing that matters. Go with what gives you the best feel of the stick.

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