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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Sigh, there goes my first 1 piece...

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I broke my first OPS stick today and i just feel like venting...some guy 2 hand slashed my stick and it snapped right in 2.......no penalty call either.....time to bring back out the aluminum.

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Be happy you broke yours.Here is a little story,last year i got into a fight and droped gloves.When we got seperated by the ref the tardo took my synergy and slashed the top of the window with MY STICK and he broke it in two.He was suspended but he never bought me a new one.

Imagine having someone you punched and he take your stick after the battle and smash it.You will 100 time worst then now.

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thats brutal man, i think that is the worst part, the fact that someone else broke the stick other than yourself......i mean if i snapped it taking a 1-timer, i would be somewhat ok; but when someone else is the cause, it pisses me OFF!

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I broke my first OPS stick today and i just feel like venting...some guy 2 hand slashed my stick and it snapped right in 2.......no penalty call either.....time to bring back out the aluminum.

If you dont mind me asking what stick was it?

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Trust me i understand your pain.But one of the worst part is not money invested (for me) is dealing with wife and telling her i will need the get 250$ tio get a new one.

Btw mine was a Normal synergy Yzerman patern (i bought 4 of them off eBay before switching to sakic)

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Yea talk about the OVER PRICED EASTONS!

Btw my Jofe is still going strong i just hate the damn curve.Almost no chip of the shaft and blade.

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Be happy you broke yours.Here is a little story,last year i got into a fight and droped gloves.When we got seperated by the ref the tardo took my synergy and slashed the top of the window with MY STICK and he broke it in two.He was suspended but he never bought me a new one.

Imagine having someone you punched and he take your stick after the battle and smash it.You will 100 time worst then now.

That guy wouldnt even be alive right now if he did that to my inno ;)

Speaking of one-peices, have you guys seen the youth vector v120? :blink: crazy shit.

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the most durable ops ive used was the 1100. lasted me 5 months, shortest duration about 1 minute into practice, first pass took the blade right off. oh yah that was a response.

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I would try a response plus. They are pretty cheap considering the other sticks and i think they have great performance, if they are the same as the old responses. The only problem I had was the durability of the blades and now thats fixed so this sounds like a good stick for you.

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Be happy you broke yours.Here is a little story,last year i got into a fight and droped gloves.When we got seperated by the ref the tardo took my synergy and slashed the top of the window with MY STICK and he broke it in two.He was suspended but he never bought me a new one.

Imagine having someone you punched and he take your stick after the battle and smash it.You will 100 time worst then now.

That guy wouldnt even be alive right now if he did that to my inno ;)

Speaking of one-peices, have you guys seen the youth vector v120? :blink: crazy shit.

about the youth vector i guess that is better than the mini mites i saw at my rink using a snapped in the middle 110 flex sr synergy with a drury curve

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that youth vector is such a waiste, like seriously, can any kid that small actually need a stick like that? haha oh well, at the rink i work at almost every kid has at least one OPS because most of thier parents are loaded. the most amazing thing is when i see little kids with a vapor XX see the Vapor V and ask to get that one too. They just like the way it looks and dont even know that the XX is a better stick. i am going to start painting wood sticks up with cool colors, ill make a fortune. haha

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the most durable ops ive used was the 1100. lasted me 5 months, shortest duration about 1 minute into practice, first pass took the blade right off. oh yah that was a response.

Seems like everybody has had good luck with 1100's except me. I broke 2 of them both pretty quick, it seemed like the blades just chipped really easy and then after that they were done.

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my inno 1100 shaft didnt fair out too well...broke it tonight on its 23rd day. mind u, it got smoked by someones slap shot and shattered in half, but still

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I had one of the orginal synergys that came out with the darker colored silver and it lasted me about 3 months of play then the blade cracked and it just didnt feel right, wasn't completely broken but just didnt feel right, then I had a synergy I took all the paint off and that lasted like 5 months, then I had a RP 100 synergy and that lasted 2 months before it met a goal post, i've had good luck with synergys, but on the other hand I had 3 XN10's and they all broke within the first month, good thing TPS warranty department is good...

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Having spent over $2000 on composite sticks in the last 12 months....then seeing my son go through three more this past weekend between warm ups and his first 5 shifts of the first xihl game of the season...I am thinking I need to convince him to go back to wood.... BTW they were three different brands. One broke on a one timer...a Vector, and the other two were snapped from slashes to the shaft..a new Tour Beemer, and his older Synergy.

I know everyone says that composites are more durable...but my pocket book is not!!! I have never seen so many sticks break at a critical point in the game as in the recent past in the NHL with composites...sorry but I cannot be alone in noticing this I do not believe.

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Speaking of one-peices, have you guys seen the youth vector v120? :angry: crazy shit.

Haha saw it yesterday and I wanted to get one just to see how long it wold take to break haha, plus being only 49.99 I wouldnt be wasting that much money...hmmm

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