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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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The "Curtis Curve" is BACK!

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I don't know if this makes anyone else as happy as it makes me but it looks like Christian Hockey is back! Which means...so is my Curtis Curve! Woohoo!

They don't have any distributors listed but they have a decent looking direct order system on their site. Minimum isn't overly large and the prices are decent...

Christian Hockey website


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I saw the stick in the store, but it was made by eagle. The weight was a bit too much for me, but I do really like the curvature of it. I would get it if was a bit lighter.

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Different companies have used or borrowed the Curtis Curve on their sticks. Harrow (who owns/owned Christian?) is also making them, even in composite.

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Time to revive an ancient thread. :)

Shortly following the MSH Winterfest IX game... my final Brian's Curtis Curve passed on to greener pastures. :( This set me on a quest to find a suitable replacement. There are currently two companies still related loosely to the old Christian Bros. making Curtis Curve sticks. One is Boa Hockey, the other is Eleven Hockey. Since I don't really like the snakeskin pattern of the Boa sticks I thought I'd give Eleven Hockey a whirl. I found out they don't sell direct as they are in the process of setting up distribution so I found an online retailer for their products. I chose thepuckshopshere.com to order my sticks simply because they had a sale on at the time. Turns out it was a great decision. Bill at The Puck Shops Here was awesome to deal with and really helpful in getting my order to me.

... and here they are! Two Eleven Hockey Sentinel Curtis Curve goalie sticks when they arrived back on January 3rd.



I've been playing with them for a month now and plan on doing a full review once I've used them for a while longer. (spoiler alert: one of them is already no longer with us :o ) Stay tuned for more...

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Different hand placement, the ability to have the entire stick on the ice when a goalie paddles down (the handle will also be on the ice), leverage when shooting the puck and ability to pick up the stick easier if dropped.

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And they're gone again! :ohmy:

Decided to custom order three new sticks for the fall in the natural wood finish. So I contacted my supplier, Bill at ThePuckShopsHere.com, only to find out that Eleven Hockey/Boa haven't been accepting orders for the past 7 months now. Looks like they went belly up again. So I guess there isn't much point in submitting my long term review now. :blink:

On a side note. I happened to break one of my Eleven Hockey CC's last game which sent me out shopping for a replacement. Ended up with at sweet Warrior Swagger ST. (pic below)

AND...there will be forthcoming insider news on the Curtis Curve front coming in the next few months. Stay tuned for the saga to continue. :popcorn:


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