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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Bad Luck? Team Cursed?

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Last game on Sunday, one of the guys on my team breaks his ankle. The thing is, he is the third guy on my team in as many seasons to break his ankle in one of our games. 3 seasons, three broken ankles...all in less than 12 months.

I think I am going to buy some ankle braces.

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Last game on Sunday, one of the guys on my team breaks his ankle. The thing is, he is the third guy on my team in as many seasons to break his ankle in one of our games. 3 seasons, three broken ankles...all in less than 12 months.

I think I am going to buy some ankle braces.

How is the condition of the ice where you're playing?

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The same thing is happening on my team. One guy broke his leg a year or so ago, and now our captain tore his mcl? acl? well, one of his CL's and is out for possibly 9 months.

sad thing is we had just gotten rid of the pain in the ass guys and had become a good team.

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Do they wrap the laces around the top of their ankles? Thats always puts you more prone to breaking them at least from what I have seen. Only 4 guys I know that have broken their ankles do that.

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#28 is gone for our team! First game of last fall session a teammate had severe damage to his arm. Like a dumbass I then used that number. Now I have a plate/4 screws in my leg/ankle. We're burning those jerseys!

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Do they wrap the laces around the top of their ankles? Thats always puts you more prone to breaking them at least from what I have seen. Only 4 guys I know that have broken their ankles do that.

No...each had higher end skates in good shape (9k, vapor 40's, and V06 i think)

All wore them properly. One guy was 26, one was 37, and one was 50 yrs old.

Just seem to be freak accidents, and all had the breaks occur in different spots on the leg/ankle.

Just really bad luck I guess.

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sh!t happens man, the only time i've fractured a bone was because a fat guy tripped on his own legs and landed square on it

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Do they wrap the laces around the top of their ankles? Thats always puts you more prone to breaking them at least from what I have seen. Only 4 guys I know that have broken their ankles do that.

Wrapping your laces has nothing to do with breaking your ankles, well, unless you wrap them, like, really tight.

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