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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Suggestions on a one piece stick

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I am looking for suggestions on a one piece stick. My budget is around $120. I am looking for a stick with overall good feel, weight, and durability. In the past I have used a Nike Bauer Vapor XXXX and Easton SE16. I liked the Nike Bauer's weight and durability, but liked the feel and "pop" the Easton gave. I did not have good luck with the Easton's durability, however.

What do you suggest for me? I tend to break the blades rather than the shaft, so a durable blade is a must.

I am looking at the Easton Stealth S11 and Nike Bauer Vapor XXV simply because they are cheap. Anyone have any experience with these two sticks?

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Sher-wood T90. Probably one of the best values in the game. The RM9 that I had was very responsive and durable. I thought that it had a similar kick to a synergy SE. The feel was good too.

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prostock one95...cant think of a more solid blade and prostocks can be found around 100-120

Where are you finding pro-stock one95's? Because I would love to find one!

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I am looking for suggestions on a one piece stick. My budget is around $120. I am looking for a stick with overall good feel, weight, and durability. In the past I have used a Nike Bauer Vapor XXXX and Easton SE16. I liked the Nike Bauer's weight and durability, but liked the feel and "pop" the Easton gave. I did not have good luck with the Easton's durability, however.

What do you suggest for me? I tend to break the blades rather than the shaft, so a durable blade is a must.

I am looking at the Easton Stealth S11 and Nike Bauer Vapor XXV simply because they are cheap. Anyone have any experience with these two sticks?

I'll sell you a couple of Vapor XXXX sticks, one not used, one barely used, for $100 each. RH, P92 curve, 87 flex. Cut at 62".

Or, if you prefer Easton, I have a couple Synergy ST, RH, Iginla, 100 flex. Same deal.

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You should hopefully find XXV's for $60-70 nowadays, but I have two of them and they feel fine to me. Just a hair heavier than the old Dolomites I used to use, but for $60 I can't complain. Feel isn't the best, but the shot is as good as any other stick I've used.

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Does anyone know how durable the reebok 10k stick is?

The retail model is actually pretty good from my experience and what I've heard. The blades don't seem to go soft or anything, and I haven't heard of any odd breakage points that keep happening. But if you want the most durable ops, get an r10 or one95.

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