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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Sox or Yankees?

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I can't see how anyone can favor the Red Sox, they're destined to lose to the Yanks. They all suck.. Lofton just homered off Wakefield, nice welcome back for him, brings back memories. Schilling says he's gonna make New York shut up? PSSSSSSSSSSHT


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Oh yeah, there's no doubt that they have some actual good ones, but I'm sure they'll try and take credit for the GAY ROD shirts.  I am getting a Damon "Jesus Is My Lead-Off Man" shirt regardless.

It gets really old REALLY fucking fast when you're walking to class and vendors with carts are yelling at you to buy their siht. The best one is the bambino spelled backwards shirt/jersey/whatever. Sure, reverse the curse, brilliant, idiot. Who is gonna know it's bambino spelled backwards when they're drunk?

Are you kidding me? The place is Dublin Jr. and we're pros at spelling correctly while drunk, even if that shirt is pretty damn retarded.

When did you live in boston?

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Have been a sox fan born and bred. This is killing me, tonight we are just not showing up. But this is absolutely good for us. I am predicting this to light a fire under the rears of the sox and they are gonna pull it out. Ponty, I got your back. There is NO ONE more annoying than Yankees fans. I dont much for ANY citizens from the NE, they are all mean as hell. Nothing like the good ole south. Too bad for the braves...

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Oh yeah, there's no doubt that they have some actual good ones, but I'm sure they'll try and take credit for the GAY ROD shirts.  I am getting a Damon "Jesus Is My Lead-Off Man" shirt regardless.

It gets really old REALLY fucking fast when you're walking to class and vendors with carts are yelling at you to buy their siht. The best one is the bambino spelled backwards shirt/jersey/whatever. Sure, reverse the curse, brilliant, idiot. Who is gonna know it's bambino spelled backwards when they're drunk?

Are you kidding me? The place is Dublin Jr. and we're pros at spelling correctly while drunk, even if that shirt is pretty damn retarded.

When did you live in boston?

Lived in Nashua for most of my life. I spent many a day and night in Boston in the 80's and 90's. Nothing better than Octoberfest in Harvard Square.

Looking at the post again I dont think that was directed at me ... well there you go whether you wanted to know or not.

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8-5 nice run but NEVER and I mean NEVER will the Yankees lose this game. They are too clutch!!!

The Bambino WONT alow this to happen.

DAMN caps lock again!

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Where are the Yankees fans? Your GONNA win this game?

Whats the deal NY. You dont believe in bad luck do you??? C'mon! :)

Yanks in 4!

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HDragons ... relax what bad can POSSIBLY happen???

Its a done deal.

At this point invison me doing the whacky hand twirl (counter clock of course) that the lady behind home plate was doing in the 86 World Series at Shae.

Yankee fan is gonna wait till they WIN THIS GAME and then rank on me ... what a pitty!

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I dont get it. Here I am with my team losing ... and will lose game 1 and Yankee fan is hiding under the covers???? How sad. Is this is what its going to be like when you lose to the Sox some day? Of course not this year ...

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I'm not one to talk smack...

I am very confident in my team right now. Not like some BoSox fan who shut off the TV and now that they are hitting again, is talking a world of smack (yes, estovlo2...)

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When the Sox lose the series it will stink ... yes for sure.

However when you have seen LIVE: Live as in I was Alive

Bucky Bleepn Dent

86 World Series

Last year

... and a host of other BS stuff ... you taint got a thing to lose ...

Sit back and watch the other guy sweat.

I remember Theo ... yet we still speak ... err type to each other.

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The Yankees cant lose to the Red Sox, and the Red Sox are expected to lose. If the Red Sox ever won, which they won't... you would never hear the end of it.

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