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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Your glove design

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i've messed around with the canucks colors a bunch. i always thought that the body color would be closer to the montreal blue as opposed to navy. i hada pair of edler's XXXXs and they were lighter than my pair of navy gloves... but burrows' gloves are definitely navy... confirmed by the mtl blue binding, which i added to yours, for fun. gives it a little bit more emphasis


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So this one started as a design... I guess it still counts.


Didn't have purple nylon so I went all leather.

-Stitched on EAGLE a la x88 style (didn't seem to be as big and bubble-like) - wasn't an original concept of mine but DS50 suggested it and I love it

-NO branging besides the "EAGLE" across the cuff, it eliminated 5/6 different eagle logos and brandings


And I can't say it enough- DarkStar was great through the process. Highly recommend.



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get an account with a place like imageshack and upload the picture. Once uploaded, copy the picture link address, click the picture11q.png button, paste the link in it, and viola!

I'm really a fan of the white glove look, could never afford these though :(

There was a pair of Warrior Bully BU colorway on ebay recently for less than 300

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Can't afford the $300, but this for my team's NJ Devils colors (I prefer black gloves to red):

A little flashy, but that's why you'd spend $300 on gloves. But I do like my black gloves with white logos (One75's).

Oh yeah, 13" narrow fit all Tufftek.

Jarick, try the Pittsburgh model with the same colors. It won't make the "Warrior" on the cuff all scrunched up on the side. I made the same exact glove except with red binding.

On a side note, what foams are you guys picking? I wish there was a flex lock thumb option with plastic inserts.

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A glove I designed for my team which uses blackhawks colors


A team Russia glove


And a TBL glove


What do y'all think?

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Vintage Calgary Flames Creepers

The thing about the newer crop of vintage Calgary gloves that kind of irks me is that they aren't quite true to the original style, lacking the white side protection along the roll and index finger and the golden yellow upper-thumbs. These also take a cue from the Easton gloves at the time, using golden yellow on the knuckles (Gary Suter wore such a pair).

It's a shame none of the Warrior gloves fit my hands. If I could customize a pair of Easton Stealths in like fashion short of buying 6 pairs minimum, I'd jump at the chance.

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In terms of Web design, this is a weak customizer. I do like the idea of customizing my gloves though.

printscreen and crop (pc) or grab (mac).

if you have a mac, you'll also have to convert the image from a .tiff to a .jpeg


Places a PNG screenshot on your desktop. Grab is obsolete if you're using any recent version of OS X.

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