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Funny things

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Now i kno that yelling at the ref wildly may not be condoned by some of you. And i'm sure some of you are refs (i am going to be to this year :) . But I was wondering some of the funniest things u've heard said to a ref.

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A buddy of mine told a female ref that he knew where she lived and was gonna rape her. That resulted in something like a 5 game suspension. Problably the funniest thing I've seen though was in provincials and a guy on the other team took a golf swing at my friend and cracked him in the ribs while he was on the ground and my friend stood up and started yellin at the ref about the no call, then he pretty much took off his jersey to show her the cut from the swing and just kept yelling.

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"Who The F*** are you? You haven't even hit puberty yet, try not to hold onto your faded dreams next time your doing lines"

"Easy, There's a reason you don't have red on those stripes"

Both guys hate me with a passion and screw me constantly whenever they get the chace. Not a bright move at all.

Also "Drunk" and "Joke" seem to be directed at alolt of referee's by me.

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Best thing I ever heard was at a PIHA game in PA.

"Get off your knees ref, you're blowin' the game"

It would have been more funny if they game wasn't about 12-0 at that point.

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Best thing I ever heard was at a PIHA game in PA.

"Get off your knees ref, you're blowin' the game"

It would have been more funny if they game wasn't about 12-0 at that point.

I think it makes it that much better.

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...One time in Rochester, when we were up something like 6-1 with about three minutes left, when the ref stopped infront of our bench my buddy pulled at his jersey and goes "Jeez, I just LOVE the colors. The vertical stripes make you look so much slimmer! Is this the Fall Collection?" The ref told him to get a life or something like that and skated away. I could barely breathe for the next two minutes I was laughing so much...I guess you just had to have been there.

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Ref never stopped making calls so I told him to take the whistle out of his mouth cause I have something else he could blow.

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I don't talk to the refs much but one thing a coach said to me when i was reffing an atoms game was "Hey ref, its not a friggin strong man competition where you take your axe over a person" I thought he was joking me right since these kids are like 9-10 years old.. obivously not though.

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My personal faves are "You're missing a good game ref..." & "This one isn't televised...you're not getting any screen time".

...I doubt they ever hear me...but the people around me usually laugh.

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I was at a game and there was this really old guy and he stood up and pretended to wipe his visor and really over did all of his actions and everything and was like

"hey ref, wipe yer visor! thurs two teams out there!"

it was funyn because he was easily in his 70's.

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"if you had one more good eye you'd be a cyclops" is probably the best non-graffic one IMO. heads-up on whoever said it already in the thread.

I also like calling a ref sir as politely as possible when they make a bad call. "What was the reason for that call sir? Sir, what happened sir?"

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my buddy got kick out for this, we were getting all the calls and they got away with everything, so he went up to him during a faceoff and was like if your going to be sucking there dick, why dont you bend over and give us some too, and the ref got really pissed..

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i complain on mostly all of my calls being a ref my self i cant stand it when refferees make bad calls. one time i remember for getting a penalty for boarding and i yelled to the ref im like thats a horrible call i didnt board him if your gonna call something call a crosscheck. lol :lol:

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I had a game last night where I knew one of the coaches and the other team was coached by two refs. No team complained about a single call or missed call. I have had bad games though, I'm not perfect.

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On the flip side, some referee's do funny things. I remember being tossed out of a game for looking at a ref for too long. I thought that was pretty funny.

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On the flip side, some referee's do funny things. I remember being tossed out of a game for looking at a ref for too long. I thought that was pretty funny.

One of the guys on my team got two minutes for "stupidity" last week. It's actually on the scoresheet.

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