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Recommended hockey pants for defensemen

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Hey,I am playing a D in my local league and i do go down to block shots alot. What would be the best recommended pants for D men? I was using Easton S17 and it offers great protection on the thigh up to the groin area, currently swap to the Bauer ONE95s and they were not as protective as the Eastons. It does offer mobility and lighweight. I'm currently looking at Tackla 9000 series, CCM Protacks, and CCM V10. I want a pants that offer good protection around thigh area to groin area, traditional fit is optional, weight is not an issue. Between those i have listed above, which woud you reco. or is there any other models that u might want to reco as well.


Eu Jin

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Tackla 5000 is probably a little more traditional, but the 9000 is excellent. I use, and love, them.

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Thanks y'all for the kind reply.

Chadd - I heard of the 5000's which are very durable as tank. As long the 9000 doesnt fit like XXX then shud be fine as i prefer loose fit.

theman - Will chk it out. Thx

skyscrape - Yeah, Supra's are real tank had them before.

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The Tackla's are a little hard to get where I live. Any other suggestions for pants that are a little longer in the legs than supreme 70s? I Like the supremes, but I would prefer an extra inch or two of leg length to cover my legs completely. I already got some bruises from blocking shots because the area above my knees was exposed.

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I tried out my friends Warrior hitmen as it is really not bad..the protection is quite good. I think the old CCM Protacks will be a good choice as well, right?

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CCM V10, Tackla 5000's/9000's, Easton S-17's, Reebok 8K or 9K's. All these pants offer excellent protection.

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If you're more for a loose fit then Tacklas may not be the pant for you as they fit snug but do not hinder mobility.

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i play d and i wear 951s, i take pucks off the inside of the thigh all the time, and it hurts like a bitch, but the pants are great.

as an aside, isn't it kind of a winger's responsibility to drop-block shots? i would think that its kind of counter productive to slide out when your job relies on your ability clear the net.

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Does anyone remember that site that was selling pro Reebok pants from last summer maybe? How do those compare to the 501's posted above?

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The Hockey Shop. They don't have the Reebok ones anymore but they have the CCM version. I am not sure if it is the same pant with a different name or if it is a completely different pant.

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  misfit said:
does anyone have a opinion on the Reebok 8k pants? i picked up a pair (didnt receive them yet) they are pro return.
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I recently got a pair of the 8K pants and I really like them. After the first skate I wasn't too thrilled with them because it seemed kind of hard to move around in, but after 2 or 3 skates they seemed to have broken in nicely and they are very comfortable now. Also, I think I had to get used to wearing pants that are so close fitting since I've always worn more traditional fitting pants. The protection is great, and although I've never worn pants that didn't have laces to tighten the front before the 2 belt system in the 8K works very well for me. I'm very happy with the pants.

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