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Are Easton's whippier than Bauer

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I was at the store the other day and I picked up an Easton 85 flex stick...it felt pretty whippy to me compared to the Bauer and Warrior 85 flexes that I have..

Has anyone else experienced this? Are Easton sticks whippier than Bauer sticks in general?

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depends which one you were looking at. some of the recent easton's (S17 for sure) were designed in such a way that the realistic flex was only consistent with the marked rating after you cut it 2".

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Yah, be sure to check the back of the shaft on all one pieces now as many companies rate their stick flex at full length minus 2 inches. If you notice all the easton 110 flex sticks are longer because of this.

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A ton of variables, tapered vs standard, stiffened bottom of the shaft for low kick, etc... That's why I think the old way of measuring stiffness doesn't work anymore.

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I haven't found that to be the case, but as others mentioned, there are a ton of variables to consider even across the same manufacturer based on model. Taper, shape, length, etc.

When I use Easton, I am using a 110, and Bauer I get the 102, but I don't even think that is an apples to apples comparison.

And yes, I think (don't quote me... others have more specifics on that) just about all manufacturers have started to build some cushion into their flexes. The assumption is an inch or more will be cut off. So, by cushion I mean, yes, a 102 is light, maybe a 98, but then look down the hashes they give, and at each point it gives the stiffer flex. You can see the difference just looking at any of the shafts, as they now make it easy to see.

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The 100 flex Stealth S5 I have seems much whipper than the One90 I used before it, but they were completely different sticks. My current pro stock RBK is an 85 flex and 2 inches shorter than the easton and it is much stiffer also.

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Look at the top of your Easton stick, some of them have marks rating the flex... Some of those models are the rated flex with 3" cut off, it's clearly marked.

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The Vapor XXXX seemed to be stiffer than average while the One95 was whippier than average. The S17 were very whippy for their flex but I believe they adjusted them for this year. The SE16's feel pretty whippy but I haven't used them on ice.

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