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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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running problems

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About 40% of the time i've went for a run (100% most recently) I get an upset stomach. Lots of times i have to quit short so I can go to the bathrom for 10 mins. Any ideas on why?


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I would call your Dr. & get looked at.

If you have any other health issues it could effect other aspects of your body.

Or if you take any kind of meds it can cause stomach issues. Ibuprofen & aspirin if used too much can cause stomach issues.

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I've gotten a case of the ol' runners trots once... but when it's like clockwork I'm gonna co-sign the others' advise and get checked out.

Unless it's a no-brainer like you're piling on the Taco Bell and lacing up for a 3 miler 20 minutes later.

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taco bell and anything will give your stomach a hard time. nasty stuff right there.

side story about that place: in my travels, I've only seen two Taco Bell locations in BC. the commercials run all the time up here, so it got me wanting to try. anyways, I go and order some chicken based deal, I go sit down and take a bite. then I open it and it does NOT look like chicken, so I take it to the counter and show it to the dude, he looks at it and says, and I quote: "I'm not sure what that is, I'll go ask." followed by "I could tell you what that was or I could give you your money back"

needless to say I've never been back.

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Yah, I only know of two as well. And they're crap. Always have to wait about 10 min for your food and it looks/tastes worse then dog food. It must just be a Canadian thing though because Mexican food in the states is good.

Is there a chance you're pushing yourself too hard?

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