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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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shoulder pad help for broken collarbone?

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Easton ST16's shoulder pads are friggin tanks. Came off the same injury, went with those pads, and I have had zero problems thus far.

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the bauer pro defender on hockey monkey dont look very protective in the collarbone area? anybody have these

I have them, they have a extensive padding in the collarbone area, the blue area on the pad just after the shoulder cap has multiple layers of foam.

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Many vendors have good shoulders that provide good protection for collarbone in their high end pads (obviously, you get what you pay for). When you look at the pads, the area to the left and right of the neck hole should have structural support, poly inserts, HD and LD foams...just look for something that is tortionally strong around the neck hole.

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Anybody have a solution for adding collar bone protection to existing shoulder pads? I like my Cooper Classics, but they certainly do lack in this area.

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Just got the Easton S19. Great collarbone protection and overall mobility. Very light but I felt like they were tanks. I was formerly wearing the Pro Defender and felt they were protective in the shoulder but not much for the collarbone, back or sternum. Also very heavy.

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