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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Loaning out gear?

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So another one of my friends wants to try hockey, and he comes to me to ask if he can wear my gear to a sticks and pucks session to see how he feels on the ice. He says he skated occasionally as a kid but never played hockey. I hemmed and hawed, told him I'd let him know depending on when I was playing. I'm pretty sure he saw through it and knows I'm hesitant to let him use my stuff.

So have you guys loaned out your everyday gear (not spares, I don't have extras or I would absolutely let him.) I think the biggest thing is I don't want someone else using my skates. The rest of it would probably be okay, plus he's a lefty and I'm a righty so he would borrow the sticks from someone else. So if you were in my position, would you loan the stuff out, skates in particular, and has anyone ever done it before?

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Gather a bunch of extra gear from your friends and teammates for him to try. many rinks have loaner gear too.

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I don't think I'd lend out my gear even if it's a best friend. It nothing personal, but I like to have good hygiene and sharing someone else's sweat on my gear done not pass in my books.

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I wouldn't loan out my gear at all. Only piece of gear that I would let a buddy use is my stick. Even then, I'd be wondering how to handle the situation if he happened to break an expensive OPS.

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I wouldn't really want to lend anybody any of my gear, but if it's just shinny or something (When you're not sweating insanely) then I wouldn't mind lending a backup pair of gloves, pants, elbows, shoulders, etc.

Helmet and gloves I'm using I wouldn't lend, and stick only if he/she takes full responsibility if it should be broken.

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  shotty said:
the thought of someone else sweating in my gear makes me gag. especially gloves helmet and skates.
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the thought of wearing someone elses gear makes me gag, lol.

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I have and would again, but only for a good friend. I wouldn't let anyone do it more than a couple of times. At that point, they need to look into getting their own stuff. I haven't noticed any difference in my skates after loaning them out, but I have wider feet than most people. I spray the interior of the pants, shins and elbows with Lysol afterward (and go very lightly on the skates).

I had a full spare set, but gave it up to a good buddy who was picking the game back up.

They are buying their own cup, though. That's too personal to loan out.

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never ever ever. i don't buy used gear either. yuck! except sticks, I'd buy a used stick maybe and I'd let a friend use any of my sticks. but it stops at sticks. well you could probably add pucks... i'd share my pucks too!

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  Hradsky said:
Helmet and gloves I'm using I wouldn't lend, and stick only if he/she takes full responsibility if it should be broken.
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I've always wondered how that would work. I've loaned out sticks without giving it much thought, then as they're playing I'm thinking to myself "uh-oh, what if he breaks it?"... I'm not the kind of guy to ask for the money or a new stick I would just kind of expect it, because if I broke one, I'd replace or pay no questions asked.... and I wouldn't want to put strain on a friendship over money but at the same time, if a friend isn't willing to accept responsibility for something what kind of friend is he?

... then, the other night I played and I loaned out my S19. I gave him the choice between my SL pro stock and S19, he chose the latter, and said "if I break it, I'll buy you two"... so the whole game I'm hoping it snaps!

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My brother has borrowed my gloves and he used to take my reffing helmet all the time but that's about it. Now that we're getting closer in size I can see it possibly happening more, but I highly doubt he'd let me use his stuff or I'll let him use mine. That said I wish we shot the same way so we could use each others sticks.

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I would loan out my gear with the exception of my game skates. I would expect that my friend would borrow it for a short period of time and return it in good shape. Truthfully, everyone I know has a surplus of gear from playing over the years so we don't have to borrow anything. I have purchased a lot of used gear over the years so I don't have any qualms about that sort of thing. I wouldn't buy anything that looked or smelled nasty or stained.

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The only person I'd be willing to allow to use my gear is my brother (other than cup/jock). I'd be willing to let people I know use my practice jerseys and socks but, thats only because they are easy to wash.

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My goalie gear has had a ride with everyone who wanted to play goalie. Never cared really. Now that I don't play goalie anymore I really don't care. Hahaha.

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  furlanitalia said:
My brother has borrowed my gloves and he used to take my reffing helmet all the time but that's about it. Now that we're getting closer in size I can see it possibly happening more, but I highly doubt he'd let me use his stuff or I'll let him use mine. That said I wish we shot the same way so we could use each others sticks.
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must've been expensive for your parents... a lefty and a righty.

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We just have different tastes in sticks and it'd be nice to try stuff without having to buy it. But other then that we haven't been too bad on them. We know that they have a budget and have worked to afford the difference for high end stuff.

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I let my college roommate (a goalie) use my gear. First and only time ever! He was gassed and puked, it splashed on my jets and I was pissed! Nothing worse than stripping laces and having puke pile up in the eyelets...

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  Scoobersti said:
The only person I'd be willing to allow to use my gear is my brother (other than cup/jock). I'd be willing to let people I know use my practice jerseys and socks but, thats only because they are easy to wash.
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Same here, my brother is the only one that I allow to use my gear other than myself. He is substantially taller than I am however so my smallish skates, and short sticks do not really work for him, so no big deal there. I ended up giving him a pair of gloves though because his hands are so much bigger than mine that they would stretch out the interiors of the gloves to the point they'd just feel entirely too sloppy. I finally bit the bullet and gave him a pair of my good gloves to replace the POSs he'd been using forever.

The thing that annoys me are the people that, "just want to try your gloves for awhile at pickup..." What am I supposed to wear while you're using them? I'm not putting your bio-hazards on...

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