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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Big Guys in the house?!

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  On 2/27/2012 at 3:10 AM, OptimusReim said:

5'9 208 lbs currently. Was 240lbs about 6 months ago. Goal is 185.

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Nice! Keep it up :) I'm right there with ya on the weight loss.

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  On 2/29/2012 at 12:53 AM, hockeymass said:

I've accepted that I'll never be under 200 pounds. I was 200 pounds in my senior year of high school and I looked rail thin.

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I remember getting down to 199, and people were wondering if I was sick, as in cancer sick. Figured it probably wasn't a good look for me, plus, it was hard as HELL to stay at that weight.

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The trick is to begin lifting very heavy weights after you get real low. That way the weight goes back on as muscle instead of fat. (A large % at least)

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Oh, trust me, I know. I got down to that weight lifting heavy as hell.

I couldn't deal with the diet at that point. Too clean for me. It just wasn't realistic for my body type and my lifestyle.

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6'3 and 235 currently that's down form 250+ when I wasn't playing. Would love to get and stay south of 220.

Don't know about you other guys but if I look at a set of weights - I get bigger. Not sure that the lifting to get

smaller thing would work for me.

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Why worry about your bodyweight? When you take a dump or piss, that's you dropping weight. Measure bodyfat percentage instead.

You look at a set of weights and you get bigger? I'm sure everyone would love to have that trait, if only it were true. Muscle is a lot denser than fat, hence it's "smaller" than it is compared to fat (when both at the same mass)


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  On 3/2/2012 at 10:09 PM, DBear said:

6'3 and 235 currently that's down form 250+ when I wasn't playing. Would love to get and stay south of 220.

Don't know about you other guys but if I look at a set of weights - I get bigger. Not sure that the lifting to get

smaller thing would work for me.

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I used to be the same way. Then I started eating right and lifting right. It has helped a lot!

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  On 3/2/2012 at 11:50 PM, Quintin said:

Why worry about your bodyweight? When you take a dump or piss, that's you dropping weight. Measure bodyfat percentage instead.

You look at a set of weights and you get bigger? I'm sure everyone would love to have that trait, if only it were true. Muscle is a lot denser than fat, hence it's "smaller" than it is compared to fat (when both at the same mass)


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I still hop on the scale every now and then but my focus is on how my clothes fit and my body fat % (recently broke my caliper so need a new one. POS junker from BodyBuilding.com). The fact that I have to replace my entire wardrobe is nice.

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6'2" 268 right now. Working on getting back down to at least 220's. Haven't been playing hockey for about 2 years as our local (well 45 mins away from me) roller league kinda fell apart. But I guess that's what happens when roller hockey exists in small town south georgia. We're working on taking the rink back and at least building an adult pickup league again.

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I know what it feels like to run into some of you guys that are north of 260 at full speed..lol. I got caught with my had down reaching back for the puck at full speed along the boards last winter and i'm 6 "5" and 220 lbs. It was a pretty loud collision...everyone was a little shocked.

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6'1-270ish. I am working out a few times a week on top of a couple pickup games a week over the summer. Put on about 50lbs in 7 years after high school. I use my size well and get around the ice well for my size.

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5'10" and currently 227. Was up to 265 and I've yo yo'd around allot between 210 and 244.

Trying to get back to 210 and would love to stay there.

I may not have some of your guys height but what you put those kind of pounds on me I become a bit of coke machine on skates...

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I am 6'3" 280 and just as fast as all those little fuckers....

Now here is the better question....what Radius do you skate on?

I skate on anything between 3/4" and 1 1/4" depending how hard or soft the ice is

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