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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Taping your ankles for more support

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I've always skated in soft boots since I started playing and it benefited greatly. I barely tighten my Grafs which is a soft boot to begin with.

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Hey old topic but interesting. After almost a year, I'm still taping my ankles like a lot of NHL russians and what I like of it is the stability I get from that. I always feel strong on my skates. I can't play without it now.

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Nowadays I see parents cranking the laces for their kids before practices, and I guess that is what they are becoming accustomed to. Then, after one lap skating backwards, they all have foot cramps...

Yes, Kevin, but we quickly learn after the first episode of our six-year-old howling because of tying her skates too tightly! :o

Nothing's worse than trying to calm your kid down when it's your fault. Of course, every time I tie the skates I ask, "How does that feel?" "Fine." Twenty minutes later, "Daddy, my skates are too loose." And that's when the flashback to taking the skates off three weeks ago occurs, and you start wondering, "Man, am I gonna feel like a heel again?...."


LOL, I overtightened my son's skates too. Unfortunately he doesn't complain much, so I only found out after the session.

((Once at the beginning of the season his head had grown during the summer but I hadn't re-adjusted the helmet. After the session he told me he had a headache. I thought he got hit in the head or fell down :o .))

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Hey old topic but interesting. After almost a year, I'm still taping my ankles like a lot of NHL russians and what I like of it is the stability I get from that. I always feel strong on my skates. I can't play without it now.

The longer you use it, the less likely you will ever be able to play without it.

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Yes I know, but I really prefer Graf over any other brand of waxed laces.  They seem to hold better and your hands don't get all nasty with wax residue after tying your skates with Graf laces like they do with regular waxed laces.

i can't remember tonight... but the graf lace is actually made by another manufacturer, and packaged for graf... i'll see if i can find out tomorrow who makes them. they sell them under their own label as well.

btw... where do you live?

That would be some fantastic imformation to know. I much prefer Graf laces but they're darn near impossible to find in black.

Hey guys, the name in laces you are looking for is Tex-Style. They are the best and they make all styles and have waxes laces in white, black, and gold (yellow) with molded tips.

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Nowadays I see parents cranking the laces for their kids before practices, and I guess that is what they are becoming accustomed to. Then, after one lap skating backwards, they all have foot cramps...

When I got my Vapor 10's (I'm actually a goalie - I wear these when I coach) they actually had a hang tag advising you to tie the bottom part tight, leaving the upper few eyelets looser to allow for some forward flexion.

Skates are incredibly stiff now. When I was a kid the boots were plain leather and once you broke them in there was not much ankle support and lots of forward flex. I don't really agree with how stiff the skates have gotten. I've seen a couple of guys fall into the boards feet first and with stiff skates that are tied tight what happens on impact? The ankle or lower leg bones have to give and you are out 6 weeks+.

I know guys who tape over the lower ankle but by the amount of tape they use it's more like it's keeping their laces from coming untied.

If your ankles aren't strong enough definitely do ankle exercises. If you have trouble with your ankles you should see a physiotherapist who can properly tape your ankle (or maybe teach you how to do it) properly before you put your skate on to give you support without limiting motion. Your ankle needs to be able to flex and roll in a natural way.

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