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Taping your ankles for more support

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Does anyone here tape above their ankles on the upper part of your skates for extra support and to prevent minor/unnecessary wobbling? I don't know why, but my feet are just a little "wobbly" in my new pair of '04 CCM pro tacks and i'm sure taping around the upper part of the skate above where the ankle area would definitely help. Should I tape my skates to remedy this problem and if not what else could I do? It's most noticeable when i'm skating slowly but once I really start skating fast and hard I don't even notice it. I've got them tied as tightly as humanly possible. Never had this happen to me with any other skates before.

Also, does anyone know where I can buy some Graf waxed laces? I've looked all over and can't find any online stores that sell Graf waxed laces, not even any of the Graf dealers i've looked at.

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I dont tape my ankles, I tape just above the ankles. It has nothing to do with me being wobbely, I have actualy skated with my skates fully untied. I just like the feel of having the my skates really tight. Some people may say it restrics your movement in your foot to fully finish off your stride, but it seems to work ok for me. If your worried about that though, what I do is I have sock tape that is really stretchy, so I wrap it around for the tight feel, then I slowley rotate my ankle to where I need it and the tape stretches, then when I move my foot back, the tape is still tight.

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I used to tape them but tried once with no tape and I will never tape them again. Yes skates can be wobbly sometimes but that's ok, your foot will bend better when you skate backwards, just lace them tighter if they are too wobbly.

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I've sprained my left ankle twice this season already, so I have to tape it up or else it dies on me in the game. Skating isn't a problem for me, it's more the pivots and when the ankle is rotating.

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Yeah I just started using Grafs and they are lower cut so I tried taping mi skate a little higher and it didn't really help as while I was skating the tape broke. Anyways they only feel wobbly in the dressing room but once I get on the ice I don't notice it.

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accord, with regards to the graf waxed laces... there are a few other manufacturers that make the gold colored waxed laces with the molded tips. you don't have to get the graf... if that helps.

on taping your ankles. if you feel unstable... just try it out next practice. the only way you can really determine if you should tape or not... do it yourself and find what is most comfortable for you. people can tell you all they want about yes or no to taping... only you can determine if it will solve your problem.

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Yeah I just started using Grafs and they are lower cut so I tried taping mi skate a little higher and it didn't really help as while I was skating the tape broke. Anyways they only feel wobbly in the dressing room but once I get on the ice I don't notice it.

Did you use the flexible clear sock tape or just regular hockey tape?

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accord, with regards to the graf waxed laces... there are a few other manufacturers that make the gold colored waxed laces with the molded tips. you don't have to get the graf... if that helps.

Yes I know, but I really prefer Graf over any other brand of waxed laces. They seem to hold better and your hands don't get all nasty with wax residue after tying your skates with Graf laces like they do with regular waxed laces.

Not all waxed laces are created equal :D.

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Are you talking about taping your ankles around the bottom of the shinguard and around the back around the tendon guard, as Pavel Bure and Gaborik do? I've been doing that for a few months now and it really does work. You get a much better toe snap and your acceleration is much better. It's a great idea.

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I don't tape my ankles, but I do place foam cushions behind the tongue just below the 2nd eyelets and wear gel ankle wraps with my Graf 609's. The sides of my skates then don't have to come as close together for a snug fit and it helps with lace bite. Support is good too. I think taping the ankles would only help though if the mid and lower foot is fitted properly, otherwise the ankles would be restricted and skating technique would suffer. IMO that is.

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Yeah I just started using Grafs and they are lower cut so I tried taping mi skate a little higher and it didn't really help as while I was skating the tape broke. Anyways they only feel wobbly in the dressing room but once I get on the ice I don't notice it.

Did you use the flexible clear sock tape or just regular hockey tape?

I just used some plain regular sock tape

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It can cause your ankle to break if you tape them too tight, and take an odd turn, or roll you ankle the wrong way. Also, you need your ankle to roll, you need it to move in your skate to properly turn and stride.

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Yes I know, but I really prefer Graf over any other brand of waxed laces. They seem to hold better and your hands don't get all nasty with wax residue after tying your skates with Graf laces like they do with regular waxed laces.

i can't remember tonight... but the graf lace is actually made by another manufacturer, and packaged for graf... i'll see if i can find out tomorrow who makes them. they sell them under their own label as well.

btw... where do you live?

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Yes I know, but I really prefer Graf over any other brand of waxed laces.  They seem to hold better and your hands don't get all nasty with wax residue after tying your skates with Graf laces like they do with regular waxed laces.

i can't remember tonight... but the graf lace is actually made by another manufacturer, and packaged for graf... i'll see if i can find out tomorrow who makes them. they sell them under their own label as well.

btw... where do you live?

That would be some fantastic imformation to know. I much prefer Graf laces but they're darn near impossible to find in black.

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Yes I know, but I really prefer Graf over any other brand of waxed laces.  They seem to hold better and your hands don't get all nasty with wax residue after tying your skates with Graf laces like they do with regular waxed laces.

i can't remember tonight... but the graf lace is actually made by another manufacturer, and packaged for graf... i'll see if i can find out tomorrow who makes them. they sell them under their own label as well.

btw... where do you live?

I live in South Florida (near Ft. Lauderdale to be exact).

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I tape mine everytime I go on the ice, cant play without them taped. Even when I go outside I have to tape them. It might just be my shitty easton skates but I cant skate without ankle support. Is there any skates that have good ankle support so I wont have to tape?

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I tape mine everytime I go on the ice, cant play without them taped. Even when I go outside I have to tape them. It might just be my shitty easton skates but I cant skate without ankle support. Is there any skates that have good ankle support so I wont have to tape?

Sounds like shitty ankles more than shitty skates. ;)

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Bud putting raminating tape along ur ankles will actually help improve some of you forward mobility because its holding the filangian muscle which is just below the genebs

If you say so bub. I only know what works for me and what doesn't.

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Damn y´all, just work on your ankle stabilizors and solve this problem. Buy, find, or make a balance board and live by it.

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