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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Shot Blocking

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You could try Sara at PAW http://www.protectiveathleticwear.com . She specializes more in goalie equipment but she may be able to get some custom work down for your skates too if you tell her what you are looking for. She does amazing work at a reasonable price with a good turnaround too. I have never ordered anything other than goalie specific custom gear from her but you've got nothing to lose in trying her out. Worst she'll say is no.

I ordered custom made knee pad, throat guard and sliding toe bridge from her when I played nets and her work was top notch on everything I ordered from her.

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Pretty sure Nash Sports has a product, I think it is made out of clear lexan, going over the half of the tongue and a bit towards the ankles.

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HAHAH who would were that? Seriously!? Suck it up and block the shot like everyone else on the ice.

Or for people who are skating with bone spurs or bruised ankles, that would definitely be helpful.

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HAHAH who would were that? Seriously!? Suck it up and block the shot like everyone else on the ice.

Right, just like all the NHL players who don't wear guards over their skates....

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HAHAH who would were that? Seriously!? Suck it up and block the shot like everyone else on the ice.

some of us are more concerned with functionality than appearance. we're not all poseur member of PHEW around here.....

these things are inexpensive (compared to some models) and if they work I'd use them if I felt I needed them.

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