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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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What's the longest you've gone...

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About 2 years using an old TPS Response I've had it since peewee and just chucked it last week because it was to small. There were a lot of cracks and chips in the balde but it remained stiff.

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Red/Silver Bauer Tri-Flex

Since March. 5 games in Spring tournament. 12 games of spring hockey and a couple of hockey camps and practices.

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gotta be my busch/graf laser....... 6 months 2 times a week. thing is a frickin tank!

i did hear that awful "crack" a few days ago ::crosses fingers:: :unsure:

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I have had my Response+ since March, but now I hardly use it. When I did use it the shaft always had great kick, but until I break my Redlite XN10 the Response wil always be #2.

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i dont break sticks i just get rid of them because something betters avail. I had a true one which broke by the blade lasted 7 months then i had a graf laser which lasted 4 months but could lasted longer had i not swung it at the net

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i have a rubber response that has lasted me almost 2 years playing 2-3 times a week during the regular season, a few less in the summer. this stick hasnt broken, but the blade has lost its pop that it used to have

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I had a TFG that I used for months, we actually took it back on a warranty issue as it had an inch or so of material missing on the blade face..i treated the worst of any stick i owned and it took about 4 months of use to finally give way...

XN10 I had for a few months before giving it to a buddy in Florida, who got a couple more months of use out of it ...i loved the XN10..just couldn't adapt well enough to an open/heel curve..it was the best stick i've used to date..

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I had a Gold SyNergy Grip that I got in a short fall league (probably played with it like 6-7 games), and then used it for the entire HS season (20 something games, practice 2-3 times a week). And on top of that, I used it in a roller league on a wooden floor for like 6-7 games, and then the blade cracked. That thing was such a tank...I loved that stick so much, the yellow grip I have now (but don't use) doesn't compare to it in a lot of ways.

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Synergy- 3 skates

XN10-month and a half

Stealth-2 months and still going strong.

I break alot of sticks, mainly because im a gigantious animal :D

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shady source?

yah, a dad on my team was selling a bunch of tps stuff, xn-10 for 150 each, he had over 1 hundred of them in his garage. He's been know to seel drugs and stuff 2, nobodys to sure how he got all these sticks

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