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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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2Way Player

Totalhockey painted holders on X:60

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I can't speak to that but there's a guy who plays in my beer league on an orange team who has a pair with orange tuuks and orange laces. add to it that this guy wears a mirrored visor and the level of douchebag-ness is high. it MIGHT be different if the guy had the skill to back it up but he's a total cone.

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Sidebar - Wow do the totalone's look ghastly with those bright holders. I had though about putting black LS2's on them when I got them but am glad I decided to sell the holders instead.

EDIT: Actually the yellow might not look too bad if it matched the gold on the heel exactly and matched the jerseys. and the whole team had them.

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Sidebar - Wow do the totalone's look ghastly with those bright holders. I had though about putting black LS2's on them when I got them but am glad I decided to sell the holders instead.

what are you trying to say ;)

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Dyed. All Total Hockey does is RIT dye them so you don't have to.

Yup and they usually aren't very well done to begin with and look horrible after a few times on the ice with all the white showing through the nicks and cuts.

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I can't speak to that but there's a guy who plays in my beer league on an orange team who has a pair with orange tuuks and orange laces. add to it that this guy wears a mirrored visor and the level of douchebag-ness is high. it MIGHT be different if the guy had the skill to back it up but he's a total cone.

So he picked the right color.

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i dyed the holders on my x60s myself. some spots start to get scraped off after a little while, but i shapried them and they look fine. they lasted me the whole season but ive gotten bored with the black so im going back to white.

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it MIGHT be different if the guy had the skill to back it up but he's a total cone.

Maybe that is the reason for the orange then. :lol:

EDIT: Damn, didnt read the other responses and realize I was late to the punch.

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