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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Shot blockers for skates

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Does anyone wear these outside of the NHL? My son plays Tier 1 junior A and blocks a lot of shots. He has hurt his feet numerous times, once, badly enough to miss 10 days. Not sure if he would consider wearing them, but if I knew where to find them, I could at least bother suggesting it.

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Those look like they are pretty easy to put on. Tie up your skates and strap them on. I might try these out one day. Pucks off the foot suck big time.

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Any way you can get some players to shoot some pucks at your feet and report back here? ;)

Seriously though, I am wondering if they are secure when strapped on and if they are completely unnoticable while you are skating.

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So weird that this is brought up as a topic. I was just watching a game the other day and wondering what the hell was on some of those guys skates. How long have NHLers been using these? I've never noticed them before (although until I joined this site I never paid much attention to the little differences in players' gear ;) ).

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Incidentally, has anyone gotten a price quote directly from Skate Fenders? I just emailed them but their site says there could be a long wait.

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So weird that this is brought up as a topic. I was just watching a game the other day and wondering what the hell was on some of those guys skates. How long have NHLers been using these? I've never noticed them before (although until I joined this site I never paid much attention to the little differences in players' gear ;) ).

It was Pronger a few year's ago that I first noticed wearing some kind of foot protection, but this season is the first I have seen this particular model.

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Incidentally, has anyone gotten a price quote directly from Skate Fenders? I just emailed them but their site says there could be a long wait.

I've heard $60

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I got them from Majer's. However, I was watching a game where one of the players was skating so hard that the straps came undone during the game and he slipped on it. Needless to say, the next game he was not using them. However, I saw a bunch of players on Montreal/Hamilton wearing them without a problem. I got them because I thought the straps and reflection off the plastic would make my X:60s look extra snazzy. :P Oh yeah... and to get back the protection I lost when I switched from Kors back to Bauers.

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Saw this on another site:

They cost 59.99, the guy just got back to me.

Not sure exactly HOW to order it from them though. And still they seem to be in the U.S., who knows what shipping is to Canada. So still waiting for their response. I'm definitely going to get a pair of these though. I absolutely HATE getting pucks off the foot. It seems like even weak shots sting.

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Not sure exactly HOW to order it from them though. And still they seem to be in the U.S., who knows what shipping is to Canada. So still waiting for their response. I'm definitely going to get a pair of these though. I absolutely HATE getting pucks off the foot. It seems like even weak shots sting.

"You can also order them direct from us via phone or email."

This was what they told me in an email

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Yup I just got that same email. I'm going to call them to get a final price with S+H. I'm also going to give Majer Hockey a call to see if they can give me a better price than their eBay store since they are pretty close to me.

I was looking at pics of the Habs wearing them and they don't look that bad in pictures.

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If you are in the Toronto area, there are some LHS's that are selling them for about $70+taxes. Much better than the eBay price.

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1 pair of Skate Fenders showed up today, they seem decent, no idea how they'll hold up to a shot but i'm sure something is better than nothing if you're taking a shot to the foot.

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Got mine from Just Hockey for $69.99. They don't look so great in the store because they look huge when not on a skate. But when I brought them home and tried one out, I was a lot happier. These things are very well made and fit the skate very well. When on, they look smaller and are hardly noticable because they are clear. The plastic feels very durable and protective and will likely take multiple hits.

Can't wait to try them out.

EDIT: Pics added.


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