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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Most Prolific Sports Family

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So...who do you think is the most prolific family in Pro Sports....


the Hull's, the Sutter's, the Esposito's


the Ripken's, the Bond's, the Boone's


the Manning's

Can't think of any NBA family lines....


I know the Sutters could win on sheer numbers, but he Hull's put up a ton of points between them. In the NFL...Archie Manning was pretty good, Peyton is a bonifide star and now Eli is in NY. Lots of HR's for Barry & Bobby...

I'm sure I'm missing someone...fill in the blanks


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Sutter has to be the biggest. That was plain nuts ... 6 brothers!

Ill also say the Hunters - Dale, Mark, Mike

Oh yea the Stasnys - Peter, Anton and Marion ... great line for the Nords way back when.

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Don't forget the Howe's. Father Gordie (obviously) and sons Marty and Mark, although the latter 2 didn't amount to a hill of beans. I just remember Mark on the Red Wings for a while in the late 80's to early 90's. I know Marty did some head coaching in RHI (Roller Hockey International) back in it's day.

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The Gretzkys I guess, even though Brent put up 5 pts or so.

Brent's 4 or 5 points, plus all of Waynes, are more than any other brothers have scored combined.

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The Gretzkys I guess, even though Brent put up 5 pts or so.

Wayne 2857 pts

Brent 4

Total 2861 pts

Rich 315 pts

Ron 533

Brent 829

Darryl 279

Duane 342

Brian 636

Total 2934 pts

If only Keith had played in the NHL...Gretz might have gotten that record too...

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Sutter has to be the biggest. That was plain nuts ... 6 brothers!

Ill also say the Hunters - Dale, Mark, Mike

Oh yea the Stasnys - Peter, Anton and Marion ... great line for the Nords way back when.

The Stastny brothers also have some sons playing college/junior. Paul Stastny is playing for Denver University now and is the son of Peter Stastny. Mat Stasnty is playing in the EJHL for the Bridgewater Bandits and is the son of Anton Stastny.

As for the Sutters, isn't it true that all of them agree that the oldest Sutter, who did NOT play in the NHL, was the most skilled of them?

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Dang ... I did not know that they had a 7th brother!

Thanks for the info on the Stasny's. I heard the name for DU and figured he must be related. As far that the old Stansny line in Quebec ... Anton and Marion were the more skilled softer players while Peter was ... well Peter.

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Joey Harrington's (Lions QB) second cousin is Padraig Harrington (pro golfer), and Ted Harrington (world poker tour).

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Joey Harrington's (Lions QB) second cousin is Padraig Harrington (pro golfer), and Ted Harrington (world poker tour).

It is Dan Harrington (not Ted), but I believe all are cousins.

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What about Ryan Smyths Brother? I Heard he was better than him but he lost an eye so he cant play in the NHL.

Kevin. That happened when he played for Orlando...

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D'oh! Can't believe I forgot the Mullens. Brian and Joe.

The other Mullen brother is a manager at the rink here in Roanoke, VA his son is playing for Belle Tire AAA right now. HIs name is Jared Mullen. Cool guy Mr. Mullen is and a great fellow to work and play hockey with.

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