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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Cold season this year

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So like every year, as soon as it gets warm out (70+) I always get a cold. Dont know why, I never get sick during winter, and I am always underdressed.

So last week I felt it coming (throat swelling, partial congestion) and it hit. It was just a head cold, no coughing or weezing. Couldnt breathe outta my nose friday, saturday, sunday and by mondayit was going away. Tuesday I started getting that "sandpaper feeling in my chest" for lack of better words, and now im losing my voice and have to continuously clear my throat before speaking.

Do I have something worse than what I think or is it just a nasty cold this year?

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Allergies? Pollen in your area? Down south when the pollen hit like crazy and turned everything yellow I had symptoms like you for a good 2 weeks.

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Maybe its hay fever setting. Only allergy I have is dust, and now that ive gotten older it doesnt bug me as much. Ive never known southwest PA as a big pollen area though.

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I've seen reports that this is the one of the worst years for allergies in decades. Pollen was off the charts in some parts of the country over the last month or so.

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I can almost guarantee it was a sinus infection, I get them every year as well, with the same syptoms, lasting around 2-4 days. The reason you lose your voice after you start getting better is because your sinus start to drain, and it coats your vocal chords with mucas, making them unable to vibrate.

When it starts to clear up, and you blow your nose, does it come out as a big mucasy chunk, maybe w/some blood in it?

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I have heard a ton about them, but my face is like a crime scene inside. I need to have surgery to fix deviated septum as well as remove adenoids & tonsils, as well as remove a lot of tissue from my throat and sinus areas. I'm gonna look like Rocky Dennis for a while when I finally get around to doing it, but I should finally be able to breathe and sleep through the night.

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theres no mucas , it feels like there is in my chest but when i cough its just a hack and nothing comes up.

That's the stage I'm at too....it was very "productive" the other day....now just a dry/hacking cough.

My mother always said "As long as it is moving, you are okay...but when you have the same symptoms day after day...that's when you have something bigger that just a cold"

Day 1 & 2: Sore throat

Day 3 & 4: No voice, sore throat pretty much gone

Day 5: Voice back. Stuffy head, runny nose, cough starts

Day 6 & 7: Productive cough. Phlegm city

Day 8-10: Dry cough....getting better each day.

Ahh....The spring cold...get it every year. And, nurse Mom (not really a nurse) seems to have been right again. Halls, Buckleys and some Cold FX is all I took.

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When I was sick back in March the doctor told me to buy Mucinex, that stuff is amazing at breaking up any buildup you have in the chest.

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When I was sick back in March the doctor told me to buy Mucinex, that stuff is amazing at breaking up any buildup you have in the chest.

yeah but for me, unless I drank like a gallon of whater a day, I just got worse

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This past 4-5 months have been bad for me with cold/allergy symptoms. I've never had allergies in my life, but i've had symptoms the past couple of weeks (stuffed nose, phlegm, coughing, etc.), and have had cold symptoms on and off for months, definately not a fun time for my body.

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