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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Wouldn't that motor be really loud, though? I also can't imagine that a battery operated 100w motor could produce enough torque to give a big speed boost like that without a fairly large gear reducer....

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I'm no expert on motors but my guess would be that given two riders of fairly equal ability with both on their limit any extra boost could make a gap that would force the chaser to jump that much harder to chase and he would eventually blow up. Once that happens, there is no going back.

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Wouldn't that motor be really loud, though? I also can't imagine that a battery operated 100w motor could produce enough torque to give a big speed boost like that without a fairly large gear reducer....

Bikes have lots of gears. Since it comes in at the pedals and not the wheel axle the rider can probably crank faster or slightly harder. Those clips are populated and uphill mostly where the greatest benefit of a motor would be and where the crowd would mask any noise.

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aren't these bikes inspected before and after each stage?

Honest question, I have no idea how it would work, but do they completely disassemble the bike? The motor is located in the cylinder of the sprocket/pedals.

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Honest question, I have no idea how it would work, but do they completely disassemble the bike? The motor is located in the cylinder of the sprocket/pedals.

With the bikes weighing all of 1 pound nowadays you'd think they'd notice one bike with a chunk of steel in a tube.

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With races like Paris-Roubaix and the Tour of Flanders where there is lots of racing on cobblestones it would not be unusual for a rider to change bikes during the race due to a mechanical failure. Might be the perfect opportunity to switch bikes perhaps. Kind of like switching sticks when that illegal curve is going to get measured. The extra weight would not be much of an issue on a flat race like Roubaix anyway where there is little climbing. I'm just guessing though

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Too many folks in the loop would have to be on board to keep silent for this to happen. If your Specialized and your manufacturing these bikes would you risk your entire company for a shot at winning these races? If your the mechanic do you risk your livelihood servicing these bikes. Finally if your Fabian C would you risk a LIFETIME ban for a shot at glory in 1 race? and the list of Musketeers would go on and on director sportif, etc....this is the silliest rumor to hit the peleton, well in ever

Good read on cheating in the peleton


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