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Shops in Montreal

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Does anybody know of any good hockey shops that sell pro stock stuff in Montreal? Do they have stuff at the Bell Centre? I'm going there for a weekend and would not have time to go too much further than downtown montreal. Any good suggestions?

Thanks in advance

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Pro stock? not really except occasional gloves at Sports Rousseau and the Habs held an equipment sale about a month ago, you're outta luck.

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for pro stock stuff some LHS do have time to time stuff that comes in like Source for Sports saw some pants and sticks.

Sports Rousseau only have some gloves.

Hockey Experts saw some gloves i belive they where egale rebranded to reebok not sure on that one and some bauer 4-roll.

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The Habs store at the Bell Center does sell pro stuff, even after the sale. It's mostly for memorabilia reasons though and overpriced.

They only sale game used sticks @125$, nothing else.

Pro stock gear in Mtl is rare.

I know Sports Gilbert Rousseau in Laval has a few very nice pairs of Easton gloves (Habs/Rangers/Senators).

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Thanks for the suggestions. From what I can tell Rousseau seems to be the only store in downtown Montreal right? Laval i think is a bit further.

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Thanks for the suggestions. From what I can tell Rousseau seems to be the only store in downtown Montreal right? Laval i think is a bit further.

Exactly. There is 1 store in Montreal, but its a small store.

I suggest you take a trip to one of the mega stores in the Montreal area.

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There is a sports shop in LaSalle, not sure about the name. Get off on the LaSalle exit from Hwy 20 and go south to the first exit to your right( Rue Clement) and turn left onto Rue Clement and go east and turn left onto Ave. Lefleur. ( Two close lights) Follow Ave Lefleur and it becomes Rue Elmside. Elmside meets up with Ave Dollard. Turn right and go south on Dollard and turn left onto Boulevard Newman.( roughly half a mile) Go east on Newman about half a mile and the hockey store is on the north side (drivers side) of the road tucked in the corner of a medium sized mall. If you get to a Canadian Tire or Home Depot you've gone too far east, turn around and keep your eyes peeled. Not a big store but a fair size with a pretty decent selection and they carry most of the major brands but seem to favour Bauer and Easton. Also carry baseball, soccar and sports clothing. Very similar to a Sports Chek and have a blue and white sign at the front on top of the store.

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There is a store located on "39 Donegani Ave, Pointe-Claire, Quebec" called "FRASERS" that has a bunch of gloves and pro stock sticks. PLAY IT AGAIN SPORTS on st.charles has gloves and sticks. I have seen the occasion pro return stick and glove at sports experts like mentioned above. If you are looking for gloves, I would say hit up FRASERS

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Frasers website says they have pro stock Warrior gloves, does anyone know if they have any in stock?

Yes they do.

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