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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Rink Rat

SE16 OPS tapered or untapered?

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Hey guys, I've got an SE16 OPS with a soft, splitting blade. I want to get a bauer blade, but I don't know if the shaft is tapered or untapered. I know you can buy the shaft tapered, but I don't know if it's the same as the OPS. Which one is it? Also, can I take the blade off clean just like a dolomite so the pro shop has less work to do?


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Hey guys, I've got an SE16 OPS with a soft, splitting blade. I want to get a bauer blade, but I don't know if the shaft is tapered or untapered. I know you can buy the shaft tapered, but I don't know if it's the same as the OPS. Which one is it? Also, can I take the blade off clean just like a dolomite so the pro shop has less work to do?


Converting a se16 to a tapered shaft can be done. I think it requires chiseling and pulling out some foam if I remember correctly

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id also like to know if it is a simple take to convert the SE16 OPS to a shaft. My blade is quickly softening up and I've never converted a OPS yet.

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yep i have converted them successfully. I have 3 sticks. Start cutting where the blade turns from the stick if that makes sense...then keep cutting 1/2 an inch. once you get to the end of the se16 portion (you should still be able to see the se16)...start cutting little by little and see if the blade fits in. I made sure the blade was a tight fit.

Fatwabbit has done this too. he hooked me up. he would be the go to guy on this.

ive gotten 3 se16 broken ops (near the blade) and have succesfully turned them into great tapered shaft. i love em.

hope that helped.

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you should clearly be able to see where the blade ends and shaft begins. if not, just line up your replacement blade with the existing blade and mark the shaft where the tenon meets the hosel on the replacement blade. if there shaft isn't hollow where you cut, chisel it out. DO NOT HEAT. a lot of guys use heat, but long term, it's better to avoid the heat. you can usually work that tenon (the mass inside the shaft) loose, then punch it out through the top end with something long and rigid (even a tape measure works in pushing it out).

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The SE16 is a fused two piece. I converted a broken one to a tapered shaft recently. With this conversion, I cut the broken blade off at the fused point and started to chisel away. It was a tedious and painful task. I eventually end up using a heat gun and used a knife to work off the epoxy between the inner shaft & the tenon of the blade. Once it was loose, I just used a plier and pulled out the remaining tenon.

I should've followed the method how I converted my XN10 OPS...left the broken blade intact, find the fused point, put the broken blade on a vice, apply heat (lots of heat), remove glue/epoxy from the fused point, pull, heat, pull, heat, pull...and the blade will eventually pop out.

Don't give up!!

Good luck

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