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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Jarod Palmer

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Goalie recovered from the fake without any problems.


Would have been more nifty had the goalie bit on it.

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Takes some balls to do that in rookie camp. Goalie didn't bite but he scored anyway so good for him :)

The goalie might not have been completely faked but he still semi dropped and overcomitted to the shot, great move.

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Goalie bit - just not all the way onto the hook. Watch the glove drop and the weight shift as the stick comes down.

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Skated with Palmer a few times a couple years back, absolutely the best hands I've ever seen on a hockey player. He had another phenomenal move in the Prospect camp last year, I've seen it a couple times on Wild.com I'm sure it's on youtube as well...

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