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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Got GTA: San Andreas

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This game is sweet I just started playing last night. I am around 6.94% done! Missions start harder than Vice City but don't get an harder in the first 10 missions or so.

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Wow not only the game is big but anyone see the strategy guide? Its the size of a bible! And runs like $18 bucks. Any1 know when your allowed to go to the vegas part? I cant wait.

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Theres a mission with a crappy remote controlled plane, I think thats the one. I'm on it already but forgot which mission it was.

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I need to beat a stupid RC plane mission to get to Las Venturas. Just wait until you guys get to this one, you will cry. Hardest mission ever.

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Is it that one after the mini gun one where you shoot down planes ? If so i'm on it right now and its frickin hard. Best thing is a gotta a sweet deal on the game. $45 bux canadian. Is it where you gotta kill the couriers.

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This thread is about GTA:SA. That game looks terrible.

So what? he asked about a game from the same publisher, relax.

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lol, he's so addicted that if anyone tries to say something he gets defensive... that's funny lol... wow i gotta get this game if it basically gives you a high...

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I need to beat a stupid RC plane mission to get to Las Venturas. Just wait until you guys get to this one, you will cry. Hardest mission ever.

Damn dude, you're right....

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Ug, it took me a week to pass that one in Vice City. Now have to deal with a worse one? I hate when missions are so damn hard you have to do it twenty times just to beat it. Takes all the fun out of it.

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The shitty part about this game is that on some of those missions that you have to do over and over, you have to drive 5-10 minutes to get there just to start...

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I remember having a great deal of trouble with the plane mission in VC. Where you had to demolish the 4 story building.

I did it with a friend's help, took us 2 tries.

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I remember having a great deal of trouble with the plane mission in VC.  Where you had to demolish the 4 story building.

I did it with a friend's help, took us 2 tries.

yah..playing games like that is much more fun with a couple of buddies over, passing the controller around everytime you die/get busted.

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I need to beat a stupid RC plane mission to get to Las Venturas. Just wait until you guys get to this one, you will cry. Hardest mission ever.

Did you beat this yet? I am stuck on this part also. The planes are so small and they fly at an angle. I hate this mission.

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