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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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what's nice??? the ugly neon green holders??? there was a pic of em before on here, with Briere using ugly neon green Razorbladz(or however you spell it)

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if you're not the best player in your league by leaps and bounds putting something like that on your skates is the same as taping a huge bullseye to your back.

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They said earlyer on RDS that the Green holders are there for publicity for a sports drink or something of the sort. I guess they really do put publicity on everything in Europe.

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Ive been thinking about this for I while but I think im going to buy some Gucci fabric and do my gloves with it. They would look awesome and I probaly could sell them for a lot to.

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They said earlyer on RDS that the Green holders are there for publicity for a sports drink or something of the sort. I guess they really do put publicity on everything in Europe.

Not sure what they sell, but the Company that sponsors them is actually called "Green".

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Ive been thinking about this for I while but I think im going to buy some Gucci fabric and do my gloves with it. They would look awesome and I probaly could sell them for a lot to.

I hear Vapor is an expert on such subjects.

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They said earlyer on RDS that the Green holders are there for publicity for a sports drink or something of the sort. I guess they really do put publicity on everything in Europe.

the only thing where you can find publicity on equipment is:

- on the socks

- on the helmets

- on the pants


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the only thing where you can find publicity on equipment is:

- on the socks

- on the helmets

- on the pants


- on the jerseys!

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They said earlyer on RDS that the Green holders are there for publicity for a sports drink or something of the sort. I guess they really do put publicity on everything in Europe.

The green TUUKs are from the Swiss club team that Briere and Heatley have been playing for.

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I ordered chrome tblade holders. They are going to get put onto my vectors. I am looking into putting spinners in the back holes

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Apologies for bumping up an old topic, but I found a few photos which are relevant....

>>>This guy's gloves<<<

>Also Here<

And it's not really "gear", but it counts....>>>This guy's hair<<<

>>Without a helmet<<



White Heliums 750 were better! :)

and an white pant...

have seen picture with that, but didn't find it yet :(

help? :D

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