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Shrinking Leather Hockey Gloves

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Hi everyone, I got a pair of gloves that are half to a size too big. I was wondering if there is a way to shrink them?

They are leather vapor xxx's. Since my palm has lots of holes in them, maybe i can get them repalmed with a size smaller palm to mimic the shrink in size? Will the drying machine method work, just like drying clothes?

Please do let me know, thanks for everyones help!!

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This is certainly worth experimenting with.

Maybe your gloves will end up like Schrödinger's cat? :biggrin:

Seriously but, you will probably ruin the gloves in some fashion. You may need to get gloves in your size next time JP.

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Have you tried adding padding to the interior of the glove?

I cut up some old (but not gross) shin pad liners and stuffed the pieces strategically around my pro stock RBKs to achieve a tighter fit on my hands. It worked perfectly.

You might look at either cutting a slit in the existing liner and putting more padding in, or sewing the padding in, maybe with waxed dental floss. Doesn't have to be perfect because your hand will hold it in while you're wearing the glove. Good luck!

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I added some foam padding to my old gloves before finally giving up and buying some form fitting Bauer One55s. It works great to fill the negative space and adds some extra protection to the glove. However, my glove looked like it got stung by a bee and looked puffier than it should have been.

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I added some foam padding to my old gloves before finally giving up and buying some form fitting Bauer One55s. It works great to fill the negative space and adds some extra protection to the glove. However, my glove looked like it got stung by a bee and looked puffier than it should have been.

Yeah, it depends on the glove, but if you put too much in, you can tell.

Idk, for some reason it gives me more confidence using my gloves with the padding I've personally added. Like I know that I personally made it fit to my specifications.

In general, I just get 10x enjoyment out of any piece of equipment that I've mod-ed/repaired/improved myself.

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Hi everyone, I got a pair of gloves that are half to a size too big. I was wondering if there is a way to shrink them?

They are leather vapor xxx's. Since my palm has lots of holes in them, maybe i can get them repalmed with a size smaller palm to mimic the shrink in size? Will the drying machine method work, just like drying clothes?

Please do let me know, thanks for everyones help!!

They aren't leather, they are a manmade material so no shrinkage. Like mentioned before, a smaller palm will reduce the volume, but not necessarily the depth of the glove. Adding another backing piece on the backroll pad should do the trick.

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Wait, adding padding to your glove would make them fit a little bit more snug, but are they too big length wise? I don't think that would help if so.

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Wait, adding padding to your glove would make them fit a little bit more snug, but are they too big length wise? I don't think that would help if so.

It very well could. If you put padding right at the tips of the fingers it would seemingly make it shorter.

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In general, I just get 10x enjoyment out of any piece of equipment that I've mod-ed/repaired/improved myself.

Well I'd like to confirm that you have, in fact, found an ideal message board.

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Well I'd like to confirm that you have, in fact, found an ideal message board.

Good to hear! I'm going to try to take some photos of the padding I added to my RBK pro stocks and post them up tonight. These gloves have a nice "flap" on the back of the hand on the inside of the glove that is perfect for stuffing padding behind.

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