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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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What type of living situation are you in?

What type of living situation are you in?  

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currently living in my parents basement. I am a first year University student and plan (as long as my friends pay up) to get an aprtment next year close to the downtown area.

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Living with my Mom, lived 2 years by myself but came back home for university, I switched programs and I could do one year at home so, to save money.

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I'm at Canterbury School, Sheehan House, Room 35. Hockey season starts in 3 weeks. Life doesn't get much better than this.

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little advice for those in college, dont be in too much of a hurry to get out of the ol parents house, you save a ton of money by being there the extra year or 2, trust me, when you get your degree and a "real" job (i.e. career) and say live at home 1 more year, you save a ton of money and then when you move out weather it be a apartment, house etc you have that extra income to suport yourself on.

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I have a 2 bedroom apartment. My ex-girlfriend lived with me for a while.....now my hockey equipment gets the small bedroom.

Rent is such a waste, I really need to buy a house soon.

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hattrick... I've gotta disagree with you there. If you live with your parents while you're in college, you'll never learn the art of indoor whiffleball.

Shorty.... real estate is so expensive right now, any house you buy today could very easily be worth 10% less in 6 months to a year. Don't feel so bad about renting. I'd invest my money now and look to buy a place with the invested money in a year or two. Of course, you can buy a place that needs work done to it and make equity up that way. I'm also looking into that right now, it's just hard to find a place in the right situation.

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hattrick... I've gotta disagree with you there. If you live with your parents while you're in college, you'll never learn the art of indoor whiffleball.

You get written up for playing hall sports here. There's sprinklers everywhere and they're way too sensitive. Hitting one in the hallway makes em all go off and htat means everyone's laptop and belongings going down the shitter.

However, I still disagree with you, hattrick. Dorm life is awesome and an experience that no amount of money will be able to buy you. Everytime I think of something in college as costing money I stop a second and think "will I really care about these $10,000 in five or ten years?" Usually it's no. And it's not like I'm rich or anything, it's just that there's a lot of stuff that money really can't buy.

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You have to get a good RA and play a little hockey in the building somewhere. Unfortunately, you have to save whiffleball until you get an apartment/house after your freshman year.

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Shorty.... real estate is so expensive right now, any house you buy today could very easily be worth 10% less in 6 months to a year. Don't feel so bad about renting. I'd invest my money now and look to buy a place with the invested money in a year or two. Of course, you can buy a place that needs work done to it and make equity up that way. I'm also looking into that right now, it's just hard to find a place in the right situation.

The advice is appreciated Lego. I do try to save a bit bit of money each month that goes towards the "future purchase" fund. (God knows thats tough to do playing the most expensive sport in the world....)

My rent is pretty cheap for a pretty good-size apartment. Overall my neighbors are quiet. I have renter's insurance but always get paranoid about stupid people leaving their oven on or a dropped cigarette. That's really my only downside with an apartment. I'm pretty comfortable here....moving is such a pain in the ass.

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Tell me about it, I've moved a couple times in the past few years (and moved friends too).

And there's nothing wrong iwth buying a place now. Interest rates are very low. It's just that if you have to sell the place a few years from now, for whatever reason, you could take a hit on it. And all that money going towards equity won't count anyway since the property could lose value. Of course, real estate could be a little different in your area, but the interest rate will have a universal effect on real estate prices.

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