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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Base Hockey

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Just got off the phone with BASE about my order and started chatting about MSH with them and told them about the LTR and they sounded pretty interested. Told them to get in touch with JR about it, so lets hope that works out.

Additionally, these are some really great people at BASE, easy to deal with and the price for the US was $130, so I was pretty surprised.

Earlier it was mentioned that stick geometry is an option they are going to have in the coming months, well, they said they're also adding kickpoint customization (right now it is only available in low kickpoint) and more, so that sounds pretty promising.

The stick weight is approx. 430 g

Also, the Vancouver facility is open for fittings (their number is 604-421-2273)

Hope this helps some of you guys out.

oh yeah, turn around time is 5-7 business days (which includes full customization)

I don't think their turnaround is going to be this speedy once they're inundated with a bunch of MSHers arcane stick customization requests/orders.

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I don't think their turnaround is going to be this speedy once they're inundated with a bunch of MSHers arcane stick customization requests/orders.

Haha when I was calling them I asked "So are you guys busy with the fitting or no, since you just opened.." "Well, we haven't even opened yet, but were already really busy the next two weeks." "Well, then If I want to get a fitting, in say a month and a half, when should I call in??" "I think a week or two from now."

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DANG! I gotta call in soon cause Im going to be in Van in the middle of Oct and wanted to give that a try.

Cool idea, I mean, I've seen it for years at golf courses, make sense they should be able to use it on hockey players too.

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DANG! I gotta call in soon cause Im going to be in Van in the middle of Oct and wanted to give that a try.

Cool idea, I mean, I've seen it for years at golf courses, make sense they should be able to use it on hockey players too.

2-3 weeks ahead dude. I'd call before the end of september. I suppose I'll be calling in to make an appointment about a week or 2.

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This sounds like a great deal but a saying comes to mind. If it sounds to good to be true, shoot it. I'm gonna wait until some fellow members get and try it out before making up my mind...

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I've been very pleased with the email responses so far, and love being an early adopter, possibly jumping on the wagon tomorrow.

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So to be clear, to get a stick with sandpaper blade, clear shaft, blue color, and lidstrom pattern is $140 US? Does anyone know what the stock color is, since a different color is "Customization"?

The stock color is the one you see on their website. There are 8 colors I believe and 3 different spots for decals to be applied so they can do various color combos (ex. red, white blue.)

I don't think their turnaround is going to be this speedy once they're inundated with a bunch of MSHers arcane stick customization requests/orders.

Their turnaround will be quicker once they have their Burnaby facility fully set up. Manufacturing of the shafts and blades will take place in Mexico with the final touches being put together at the Base facility in Burnaby. I ordered mine last Tuesday... I should be getting it any day now.

I think product-wise, the best thing Base has going for them is their blades. There's nothing I can compare them to that's already on the market.

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mickz, how would you evaluate the blade's stiffness? I have no issues using a pingier XXX Lite blade, a blade staying closed through a shot is of greater import to me.

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mickz, how would you evaluate the blade's stiffness? I have no issues using a pingier XXX Lite blade, a blade staying closed through a shot is of greater import to me.

Well I'm not Mickz, but when I was on the phone, I was told that the Base Blades can take twice as much pressure as other blades. It's apparently that stiff. And that it naturally dampens passes.

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Well I thought I was done buying sticks after stocking up on One95's and TPS R10's, but I'm going to give this stick a shot. For the price it sounds great.

For a free sight, MSH sure costs me a lot of money :dry: .

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The One95 blade was stiff and dampened well. Would be interesting to read the technology being used.

From my understanding, or should I say common sense, to dampen means to flex with, and to be stiff is to not flex. Is this incorrect?

I could see the One95 having a stiff blade, but the flex of the shaft giving it a dampening feel. But for a blade to be stiff AND dampen does not sound possible.

Again, all of these are assumptions.

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By dampening, we mean that the puck doesn't bounce off when you're catching hard passes. The One95 was very good not because the shaft flexed but because the blade must have absorbed and disbursed the energy of the puck rather than deflecting the puck off the blade. I'm not sure of the physics but there are foam inserts to accomplish that.

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Again, going with assumptions, I don't see how stiffness has to have a negative correlation to absorption.

Drive a car into a brick wall. That is a very stiff surface. Now drive a car into a wall of mattress, that is a soft surface. The less-stiff surface clearly absorbs more energy than the stiff, rigid surface.

Jarick's explanation makes a bit more sense. My mind tells me that if something is being absorbed, the energy has to go some where.

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