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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Visor Help

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New to the board and looking for some help with a new visor.

I currently use the "Heatley" style oakley from about 4 years ago. It's a little beat up so I am in the market for a new visor.

Are there any preferences or advantages to "aviator" or straight cut.

any differences between Bauer/Oakley/ etc.

Any help would be appreciated.

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In my opinion, visors are really a personal preference thing. Some guys I know use an aviator because they think it will protect more of their face, I don't know if I buy that. I like the straight cut because I don't like bulky visors.

But, if you are looking for a new one, check out the hejduk sport visors, they come in a ton of different pro cuts and offer a lot more options than oakley or bauer, also, I think in some cases they may be a bit cheaper than oakley.

Good luck and hope you find a visor you like.

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Aviator style visors offer more airflow, which in turn means better ventilation and less of a chance for fogging. In theory it's true, but I've never noticed a huge difference. I agree with uclahockey, it's a preference thing. I know it took me some time to get used to the nose cut on my aviator visor, compared to my straight cut so you might wanna consider that.

The only difference, besides quality and fit, that I can tell is...I prefer how Oakley tints their visors. It's more of a gray and the Bauer/Itechs are brown.

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I have the Oakley straight cut on my helmet and I can't tell the shield is even there. And as far as fogging, I haven't had the thing fog up on me yet and I been using it for a month now . Its the only shield I ever had so I can't comment on the others.

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I've used a Itech RBE 1 Certified Half Shield (fogged up alot), Oakley Small Straight Cut (very little if no fog), Itech Mirrored Straight Cut (very little fog/currently use), Itech ProWave Mirrored The Original Ovechkin shield (fogs when I sweat a lot/currently use as well), and an Itech Aviator which I haven't used yet.

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FWIW The newer oakley straight visors have a different mounting system making it impossible for them to slip down from an impact, this does mean they tilt up as easily though. So if you're looking for a visor to protect your forehead then you can rule them out, i made this mistake but as my league has really started clamping down on tilted visors this is probably a good thing. Also i hear they're pretty good at protecting your eyes...

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