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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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pro stock hockey sticks

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The only pro I can recall being linked to intermediate sticks was Kessel. I believe he used a 75ish flex with intermediate dimensions as well, this information is from a few years ago so I'm not sure it is still accurate.

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I just ordered from Pro Stock Hockey Gear. They wouldn't ship directly to me in Australia which was a bit of a bummer, but good service none the less.

Yeah hes a good guy, service was great got back to me right away on every question, and got the sticks shipped to me wicked fast.

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Kessel was using sr sticks when I saw his sticks last year. If you want to save money on sticks, just buy stuff on clearance.

i may just consider going back to 2 pieces or find sticks on clearance(s17). i know the stick doesnt make the player but in my opinion most lower end sticks ive picked up at the store dont feel right and have balance issues or are just to heavy. i like my sticks on the lighter side.

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i may just consider going back to 2 pieces or find sticks on clearance(s17). i know the stick doesnt make the player but in my opinion most lower end sticks ive picked up at the store dont feel right and have balance issues or are just to heavy. i like my sticks on the lighter side.

I never suggested lower end sticks...................

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I never suggested lower end sticks...................

i know you didnt... but i dont think spending 245 dollars on an s19 or even 200 for an x:60 which i have now is worth it when i can get two 2 piece bauer one95s for 220

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i know you didnt... but i dont think spending 245 dollars on an s19 or even 200 for an x:60 which i have now is worth it when i can get two 2 piece bauer one95s for 220

In that case...Not sure why you needed to announce that you ruled out buying lower end sticks when no one suggested it in the first place.

It's a beautiful thing when you can grab an x60 for 110 or an s19 for 120(senior flexes of course). While you are still using intermediates, a two piece set up is a good idea or you could buy some dolos for 100(or whatever intermediate ops is on sale)

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Intermediates are almost always overstocked and on clearance when the new lines roll around. Check hockeygiant, hint, look at Easton STs for the moment.

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eBay is usually the best bet for pro stocks, maybe a member in the TO area has knowledge of shops that could have his sticks.

There were a bunch of new Kessel X60s at the last Leafs sales. They were 77 flex SR. The price was ridiculous...$225!!

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