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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Sports Authority Tape Treasure Trove!

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Walked into my local Sports Authority yesterday and what did I find in normally-useless the hockey section? A mountain of 1.5 inch tape rolls! In white AND BLACK!

Its Renfrew blue label which I know is considered lower quality than gold label, but its good enough for me. None of my LHSs carry 1.5 inch tape and its only rarely in stock in black online. I bought a big stash. Woohoo!

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Walked into my local Sports Authority yesterday and what did I find in normally-useless the hockey section? A mountain of 1.5 inch tape rolls! In white AND BLACK!

Its Renfrew blue label which I know is considered lower quality than gold label, but its good enough for me. None of my LHSs carry 1.5 inch tape and its only rarely in stock in black online. I bought a big stash. Woohoo!

What was the price per roll?

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compo-stick cloth tape comes in 1.5" rolls. home hardware in canada sells it and a quick search in google tells me east west hockey sells 10 roll packs for $22.50, available in multiple colors.

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They had that 50% off at the local SA a couple months ago. Yeah it's blue label but I have enough tape to last a couple lifetimes now.

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I only use blue label Renfrew because it is pretty much all I can find in the LHS's. Truthfully, I can't stand how easily it strings apart when pulling it off the roll. Anyone have any alternative brands that they recommend?

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Anyone else used 3M tape? Easily available in canada at Canadian Tire, just picked up some in 1.5".

i bought some awhile ago, its pretty thin but seems to work better then renfrew, i bought some white and it is very translucent

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