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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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the iceman

3M Hockey Products

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The liquid studd is pretty neat. It is easy to apply and feels like a sticky rubber when dry. I'll give it a try this weekend. Think I'll pick up some more if its on sale. And try the tape.

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Gonna pick some up in a couple hours and try it tonight at hockey, if I like it, i'll go pick up another while they are on sale.. lol. Anyone tried this and blade tape? what's the difference?

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The liquid stuff is good, I'll vouch for it, but it does get beat up quickly and I've found that if you play an especially spirited game, you're going to have to retape and reapply because it will rip like crazy.

If you're like me, and really anal about how you tape your stick, it could get quite annoying to reapply every game. I stopped using it for this reason, but I did like it. It seemed to soften passes (it's rubbery) and because it has a tacky feeling, it did improve stickhandling.

The 3M tape is garbage, though. Ripped waaaaay too easily. Renfrew tape is also shit.

Best stuff I can find in stock at most LHS's is Lowry.

Now that I think about it, though...I'm not sure I used Lowry tape with the 3M liquid stuff...might have to give it another go...

I haven't used the blade tape, but I like to tape along the top and bottom of my blade--really helps protect against chips and the like. I've found my blades don't take nearly the beating they used to.

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I just picked some up from the local CT and applied it

really easy to apply

playing tonight, so we'll see how it feels

btw, if anyone in the US really wants to try it, I don't mind shipping some to you, shoot me a PM

What about using some kind of rubber cement over tape?

that's essentially what I feel this is

first impression was just that

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Well that's a first!!!! I have not bought any hockey stuff (until today when I bought the liquid tape) that had a warning label that read "WARNING: MAY CAUSE CANCER" wtf? lol

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I played 2 hours tonight with the Liquid hockey tape, and couldn't tell the difference.. gonna add a little more tomorrow and use it again tomorrow night

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I played 2 hours tonight with the Liquid hockey tape, and couldn't tell the difference.. gonna add a little more tomorrow and use it again tomorrow night

I played a game with it, and it seemed good at keeping the ice from building up on the blade...other then that, nothing...well maybe placebo, lol

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I played a game with it, and it seemed good at keeping the ice from building up on the blade...other then that, nothing...well maybe placebo, lol

yea.. I want my $8 back :P

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I buy sheets of skateboard tape and cutt out my own blade tape. I have unbelievable puck control with it. Basically anytime the puck hits my stick at any speed it sticks. You can really drag the puck in ways you never could. Also it costs me 5 bucks to make 4-5 sets.(front and back). I pretty much feel like im cheating.

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yea.. I want my $8 back :P


I am gonna try it a few more times and see how I feel...lord knows I could use any advantage I can get, lol

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ya the skateboard sheets would be crazy and does not soak up water... i remmeber using the grip tape thats really tacky and it would be good (if it stayed dry).. you could to the michigan move without even trying and do robbie schrempf like lacross dangles... anyways once that got wet it was over lol...

as for teh 3m liquid tape, i just bought some from can tire and i expected it to be like glue that dried like rubber cement.. i did not expec tit to have a bits of sand for friction... i did both my dolomite and x60s and wont be able to try it out until later next week.. we will see how it holds. if anything, if it can give some better control and feel for my x60 i will be happy. i am having trouble getting used to the x60s lively blade.

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2 games in (4 hours) with the liquid tape, and still can't tell the difference. Gonna use the rest of the bottle, but def. won't buy it again! as for my EQ50 stick.. it's still lovely :blush:

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ya i saw the sticker on ONE of the 2 that I bought. I bought it for my friend... but I wasnt sure if it was stuck on there by mistake or if the other one just didn't have the sticker... hahaha.. i saw the same thing.. and i was like wtf? cancer? but yea.. Everything that gives off fumes (ie paints and epoxy etc) all have the potential to cause cancer etc... but ya, i am interested to see how this works.

hey missconduct.. how is the durability? i figure if i have to reapply it every game it won't be very economical... it does look like it will increase the life of the tape though..

also, i am goign to try the stuff out on the tape on my knob.. increase grip.. also probably could put some on shafts to increase grip there too.

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ya i saw the sticker on ONE of the 2 that I bought. I bought it for my friend... but I wasnt sure if it was stuck on there by mistake or if the other one just didn't have the sticker... hahaha.. i saw the same thing.. and i was like wtf? cancer? but yea.. Everything that gives off fumes (ie paints and epoxy etc) all have the potential to cause cancer etc... but ya, i am interested to see how this works.

hey missconduct.. how is the durability? i figure if i have to reapply it every game it won't be very economical... it does look like it will increase the life of the tape though..

also, i am goign to try the stuff out on the tape on my knob.. increase grip.. also probably could put some on shafts to increase grip there too.

well a skate ripped my tape so I had to re-do it today, it does reduce ice on the blade slightly, but not anymore than wax. I reapplied the liquid tape gonna try it hopefully for longer than 2 games :X but as of right now, I'm not impressed.

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anyone tried using 3m 77 adhesive spray glue on the blade? im thinking of spraying my blade tape with taht stuff as it is pretty tacky.. i am not sure if the stuff is water soluble or not.. if not then that would be awesome.. going to try it out sometime in the future

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So I put that liquid stuff right on my tape that I had already waxed (with a heat gun) previously. The stuff stuck on a lot better than I thought and it works well enough. It's still on in good shape.

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anyone tried using 3m 77 adhesive spray glue on the blade? im thinking of spraying my blade tape with taht stuff as it is pretty tacky.. i am not sure if the stuff is water soluble or not.. if not then that would be awesome.. going to try it out sometime in the future

Save yourself the trouble and try 2-sided carpet tape. Look hard enough in your junk drawers, basement, and garage and you'll probably find a roll someone forgot about. I can almost guarantee it'll fall off when wet, but you never know until you try right?

Spray adhesive is tacky but dries rock hard. Unless you're looking to add texture to your blade, for whatever reason, I wouldn't bother.

If you want something that holds the puck a bit better while deadening up the feel of the blade; rubberized undercoating for cars. A can will cost you a couple bucks, it smells like hell, but it's waterproof. That 3M stuff looks to be some sort of liquid latex that soaks into cloth tape. If that's true, really-really-really shitty bathroom caulk might work. The shitty stuff is uselessly thin (to seal up a bathtub at least) and comes in toothpaste-line tubes or one of those cans that resembles Cheese-Whiz. RTV black, or any silicone gasket maker, would should yield similar results.

Raid your garage, toolbox, shelves in the basement, whatever - you'll find something to experiment with and may stumble upon something really good.

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i figured if the spray adhesive stayed someone tacky and not rock hard it would be a chceaper alternative than the messy application of the 3m stuff.. but i was never really too picky with blade stuff.. i never waxed my blade. well i have but i didnt like it.. i usually just tape from heel to toe and rub it with a puck... usualy retape every 2-3 games... i actually dont like how the 3m stuff dries rubbery. i will be able to test it out tomorrow, but i can already imagine te rubberiness will cause some bouncing of the puck off the blade instead of dampening.

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