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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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I'm going to start playing roller again and wondered what the general thoughts were on IceCourt. I've played on SportCourt for quite a while and wondered what the differences were vs. SportCourt. Are the wheels used pretty much similar to what I would need for IceCourt? Are the wheels going to wear more or less? I did a couple searches on IceCourt and all I found was that it was mentioned a couple times, but no real description. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks guys.

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I'm going to start playing roller again and wondered what the general thoughts were on IceCourt. I've played on SportCourt for quite a while and wondered what the differences were vs. SportCourt. Are the wheels used pretty much similar to what I would need for IceCourt? Are the wheels going to wear more or less? I did a couple searches on IceCourt and all I found was that it was mentioned a couple times, but no real description. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks guys.

IceCourt is more expensive to put down compared to sport court. as for playing, it's MUCH faster. you skate faster and the puck moves faster and glides a hell of a lot longer. It'll take some adjustment for sure. have fun!

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IceCourt is more expensive to put down compared to sport court. as for playing, it's MUCH faster. you skate faster and the puck moves faster and glides a hell of a lot longer. It'll take some adjustment for sure. have fun!

I've heard it's faster. I'm a little worried I'm going to go out there and look like I can't skate. Any suggestions as to the wheels to use?

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Here are my thoughts on it.

*I played most of my life on Sport Court. The last half year or so I have been playing on Ice Court*

When it's brand new, it feels pretty bumpy and the puck slides a lot more. I may have just gotten used to it, but I feel like it's less bumpy now. I'm not sure if it wears down or what.

I've never wore through the tape on my blade until the Ice Court. Now it's worn through the bottom every game. Not really an issue since I change taoe every game anyways.

I feel that the puck bounces on the Ice Court a lot more than Sport Court. Not a fan of this at all.

As far as skating faster, I never felt like the Ice Court was faster.

You're get used to it after a few games, I'd say.

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Here are my thoughts on it.

*I played most of my life on Sport Court. The last half year or so I have been playing on Ice Court*

When it's brand new, it feels pretty bumpy and the puck slides a lot more. I may have just gotten used to it, but I feel like it's less bumpy now. I'm not sure if it wears down or what.

I've never wore through the tape on my blade until the Ice Court. Now it's worn through the bottom every game. Not really an issue since I change taoe every game anyways.

I feel that the puck bounces on the Ice Court a lot more than Sport Court. Not a fan of this at all.

As far as skating faster, I never felt like the Ice Court was faster.

You're get used to it after a few games, I'd say.

Thanks for the reply Brian. I don't like the idea that the puck would bounce more. That kind of stinks. Any thoughts on wheel choice, or if it eats up your wheels or not.

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Well, at least you car blame the tiles when you mess up. lol.

I don't know how I forgot about wheels. woops.

I'm really shredding wheels these days. Kind of annoying. I've used the orange Labeda Millenium wheels and now I'm on the purples. They don't stay round for very long. I also get some big cuts and slices here and there on the wheels.

I've got some orange Hyper Formula G wheels that I'll be putting on soon, so we'll see how those go.

I remember the first few games were ridiculous. Passing was terrible out there. Had to get used to how much faster the puck goes. lol

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Thanks again Brian. That's exactly the information I was looking for. I had heard from one person that it wasn't so good on the wheels, but it was an unreliable source. Looks like they were telling the truth and not just a horrible skater. Thanks again for the help it is much appreciated.

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the puck issue depends on the type of puck being used, too.

IDS bounces no matter what, and because of the stiffness of the ice court, will only bounce more.

Competition hockey these days (collegiate, PIHA, AIHL, NARCH, USAinline) all use the rocket pucks. they're a little softer, heavier, and don't bounce as much as the IDS pucks.

Mach1 pucks, IMO, are the best on either surface; only drawback is they're the lightest of the 3. too bad they're being sued and organizations are prohibited from using them.

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what's the deal with mach1 and the lawsuit?

i can't remember specifics; i do remember it was the official puck of the NCRHA for one year then they pulled it because IDS was suing them for similiar design with the white pegs. that's the last i heard. i think it's a weak argument as all roller hockey pucks use pegs of some sort (all the good ones anyway). IDS was probably just mad because NCRHA went with a cheaper competitor.

Pretty big deal now as NCRHA has expanded x1344523452346 times. Getting to be very legit since it's inception in ~ 2000-2002. tons of schools/teams.

i can't remember specifics; i do remember it was the official puck of the NCRHA for one year then they pulled it because IDS was suing them for similiar design with the white pegs. that's the last i heard. i think it's a weak argument as all roller hockey pucks use pegs of some sort (all the good ones anyway). IDS was probably just mad because NCRHA went with a cheaper competitor.

Pretty big deal now as NCRHA has expanded x1344523452346 times. Getting to be very legit since it's inception in ~ 2000-2002. tons of schools/teams.

it's not that organizations can't use the Mach1's persay, but they don't want to be associated with a sponsor that is in legal turmoil, know what i mean?

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Competition hockey these days (collegiate, PIHA, AIHL, NARCH, USAinline) all use the rocket pucks. they're a little softer, heavier, and don't bounce as much as the IDS pucks.

AIHL and AAU use the IDS puck as their official puck. As far as I know, there is nothing in the pipe to change that either.

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AIHL and AAU use the IDS puck as their official puck. As far as I know, there is nothing in the pipe to change that either.

news to me. was that switched this year? i'm almost positive they where the rocket pucks.

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I've used Mach 1 pucks since the 90s. They always had white pegs. I can't even think of other pucks before them.


all i can think of is those heavy red pucks with the blue pegs that were used in the RHI back in the day. i think JOFA eventually bought the rights started making them, too.

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news to me. was that switched this year? i'm almost positive they where the rocket pucks.

Nope, it has been like that since the formation of the league.

all i can think of is those heavy red pucks with the blue pegs that were used in the RHI back in the day. i think JOFA eventually bought the rights started making them, too.

The Franklin Commander puck is the old RHI puck is what I was told.

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Yeah I remember those, but don't remember who made them. I think I've probably got one or two sitting around somewhere.

gotcha. i know PIHA has transitioned to the rocket pucks over the past few years.

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all i can think of is those heavy red pucks with the blue pegs that were used in the RHI back in the day. i think JOFA eventually bought the rights started making them, too.

I used to play with those pucks, you're right they were Jofa They used them in the old Koho Cup days. Back before it turned into Tour Cup. They were a heavier than the Mach One pucks for sure. I still think that the Mach One is my favorite roller puck. It seems to bounce a little less.

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Clear Mach1 puck with the glow stick in the middle.

Anybody remember those?

I do remember those. For "night" hockey. So you can see the puck, even if you can't see the net.

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IMO the puck moves much faster on Icecourt, no matter the puck. As for skating, it feels strange at first but after a few games you'll come to love it. I find it does chew through wheels much more quickly than sportcourt.

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