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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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tackla 951 pants

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looking at purchase..could use some opinions, fit, protection, mobility, durability etc

I'm a skinny guy (buck-30 thereabouts with a 29 waist). I picked a pair up when I was up in Canada about 3 years ago.

There was a break in period - if I fell on the hips just so it seemed the pads didn't shift/cover that area and it would hurt (nothing serious). However, now I have no such issues. Been in multiple collisons, falls, etc., and have never had hip/tailbone issues of any kind.

There is a small skate cut but it hasn't gotten worse over time. There are also "burn" marks from pucks and what not. Some loose threads and the velcro securing the zipper is weaker (although no issues with the zippers themselves).

So aesthetically, they look worn but protection-wise hold up beautifully and are really, really comfortable. Don't even think about them when I am playing. I'd buy again in a heartbeat.

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Fit: Try them on, nobody knows better than yourself

Protection: Perfect for me, maybe not so good if you play AAA

Mobility: European pants, can't possibly have more mobility than that

Durability: I've had mine for 3 years now and they're still in good shape

They are now too small for me but my next pants are definitely going to be Tacklas or Eagles (I think they're the same thing anyway)

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In my personal opinion one of the best pants on the market for an intermediate to advanced player. As previously mentioned you need to decide on the fit yourself. Some guys don't like the tighter waist and looser pant leg fit. These pants are very flexable after they break in and last a long time. Extremely good and well positoned protection. You have an actual split thigh pad with plastic inserts and thick secondary pad. Tailbone protection also has inserts and it is a wide form fitting pad. The pants are slightly longer than North American pants as well and offer great protection over the top of the shin pads. There is also a nicely padded tightening belt and a decent belly pad. Great pant for the money or bang for the buck! If your playing rep or AAA though I would go up to the 5000 or 5000 Air which offers a bit thicker hip and leg inserts as well as better waist and tailbone protection.

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I've been wearing my twice a week for 4 years in beer leagues and they are hands down the best pant I've ever owned.

Good protection, comfortable, and durable.

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my all time favourite pants. Mine are a little small so im getting my 3rd or 4th pair(cant remember) this week. I have been using them for the past 6 or 7 years.

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i use these too. fit is great, protection is good (not great), but you certainly make up for in mobility. break in time for me was about 5 games.

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