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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Shaft Combo

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I'm using a TotalOne shaft and an Easton ST blade. It is a bit blade heavy. Anyone else have this experience with either a TotalOne or one95 shaft and a ST blade?

Also, does anyone agree that a shaft/blade combo increases the feel of the puck? I can't stickhandle well with OPS because I can't sense where the puck is on my blade.

I agree that there is a better puck feel with a combo. As for the ST blade being heavy I simply think it's the shaft being so light. I cut my shaft about 4" and it's crazy light with killer feel and kick.

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Why does a standalone blade have more weight than an OPS blade?

companies have invested alot of tech into removing as much material from the fuse point as possible. so where a two piece is glued together with what is essentially double the material at the point of connection, high end one pieces will remove as much of that overlap as possible by whatever manufacturing process they can think of. they also use exactly enough epoxy to form a solid connection. a difference of grams, but the eq50 as an example, grams can make a big difference.

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The Harrow 300 is a 75/25 carbon/fiberglass shaft. Balances well and is durable, lacks a bit of the kick of a 100% carbon shaft though.

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This is a good topic. I'm sick of buying 1-piece sticks and have been looking for a nicely balanced 2-piece thats not very blade heavy. But this seems tough as a lot of the shafts are being made super light.

The higher-end Warrior and Inno blades that I have used don't feel blade heavy to me in the lighter shafts I've used.

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I'm a big fan of the Easton shafts, I have Ultra-lites, ST and S15 (Z-bubble). I use Easton blades with them and I find the performance and durability is good. The only warning I have is that the S15 at 100 flex plays like an 85 flex ST shaft IMO.

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Balances well with harrow blades or others? Overall how is it weight wise?

Balances well with everything. Compared to the Dolomite, it's a little heavier in the shaft, feels like it's got more heft to it. I've used it with wood blades too, felt fine. Again, only downsides are weight and it loses a little kick, but they are tanks.

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The Harrow syncro elite shaft is pretty good for not being blade-heavy (used it with a x:60 blade), though the shaft did explode on me after only 4 - 5 games.

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I've been using a two piece one95 shaft and blade. Anyone try a one95 shaft with a totalone blade yet?

No, but i have used the total one blade with the ak27 shaft and it feels really nice! The shaft is a little heavy to me, but it is a good stick.

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No, but i have used the total one blade with the ak27 shaft and it feels really nice! The shaft is a little heavy to me, but it is a good stick.

Thats cool yeah I can only find one95 shafts because I wanted to order one or two more. Can't find the one95 blade so figured I would give the totalone a shot and see how much of a better feel it would be. Thanks for the response!

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Thats cool yeah I can only find one95 shafts because I wanted to order one or two more. Can't find the one95 blade so figured I would give the totalone a shot and see how much of a better feel it would be. Thanks for the response!

The total one is awesome blade though! It is tough to say feel wise since I do not have the one95 shaft, but it is a lively blade and compared to the total one one piece it feels similar. That being said, compared to the one95 one piece it is a little more lively and also has a slightly hollow feeling compared to the one95 blade.

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The total one is awesome blade though! It is tough to say feel wise since I do not have the one95 shaft, but it is a lively blade and compared to the total one one piece it feels similar. That being said, compared to the one95 one piece it is a little more lively and also has a slightly hollow feeling compared to the one95 blade.

Alright thanks skyscrape!

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How does the 2011 AK27 shaft feel in terms of weight? Is it that much heavier than a Total One shaft?

I don't know but I really want to get the shaft and blade combo. I am using a one95 shaft and blade combo and that advertised weight is 469. The shaft is 309, the blade is 160. The 2011 ak27 is advertised at 475. The shaft is 320 and the blade is 155. I would like to think it would be pretty balanced. I can't say anything about the totalone though, but it is two inch long than the ak27 shaft and weighs 329.

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I picked up a total one to compare it to my ak27. Pretty big difference in my opinion. I hate to say it, but the total one shaft combo is noticeably lighter to me.

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I picked up a total one to compare it to my ak27. Pretty big difference in my opinion. I hate to say it, but the total one shaft combo is noticeably lighter to me.

Do you notice a big difference in your shot going from one to the other?

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Do you notice a big difference in your shot going from one to the other?

I did not get to use the total one. It is a friends stick. But just picking it up, it felt a lot like my total one one piece. If I had the chance to buy all over again, I believe I would have gone with the total one shaft instead of the AK.

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Thanks for the information skyscrape. How is the balance on the warrior? I use a one95 shaft and blade combo and think its pretty balanced. I know its going to be heavier but I'm not sure if I want to go warrior or stay with bauer. Either warrior or bauer I'm going to keep matching shaft and blade.

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The balance is nice, but I have become spoiled after using the total one. I bought the Warrior because it was available with extra length and in 110 flex. To me, the stick does not release the same as the total one one piece. It also is noticeably heavier. If I am pulling a bad pass up with one hand or when I go for a poke check it is very noticeable. my shots have not been as strong as with the totalone and one85's. I have the total one blade in the shaft right now. It is a tank though! It will be good a stick when games get really chippy!

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