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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Action Jackson

Preferance On Stiff Flex

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I have been tinkering between 85 and 100 flexes as of late and am on the fence as to which one to stick with. Ive read and heard all about the wonders of flex, but what makes some use a 100 or stiffer flex? What makes you choose that one over the softer flexes?

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I tried a 75 flex. I started shanking some shots. I thought, "Oh hey, I read this on MSH! I should try to slow down my motion or something?" Yeah no, didn't work for me. It took me about 10 minutes to decide that lower flexes weren't for me.

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when i was under 18 i shot up from 85 flex to like 110 flex, my slap shot was just too much for me to use a soft flex stick, but i had some hand injuries and sometimes my fingers just get in too much pain from the stiff flex vibrations from shots i shot it down to a 95 and thats my favorite, i have a 90-85 flex torch and i love that stick but now that its been worn down its too whippy and umcomfortable. at 95 flex i feel i still have a good enough hard slap shot, and my wrist shot is my gem so i still have my hard wrister and a good slap shot when i play defense.

i did try 75 flex when i got a stick as a gift, and immediately gave that away, took about 2 shots and the second one flexed so awkwardly i was out of balance and fell down so i just got off the ice, removed the blade and handed it to a kid

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Some guys never learn to shoot with a stick that bends, some guys can actually load a stiffer stick and for some it's an ego thing to use a stiffer stick.

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I took 9 years off of hockey. Back in '99 I was a 180lb or so defenceman that used 85-flex sticks. I knew nothing about equipment but I had a great slap shot and nothing seemed to be wrong.

9 years later ('09) I started playing again after a long time off and about 80lbs of weight gain! I started off using 85-flex again since I really did not know much about equipment. I hated it from the start and upgraded to 100-flex right away. I did not like how the stick felt when it flexed. I like a more rigid feeling. I think my release and the way I strike the puck simply loaded the softer flex too long.

Now I use 110, 115 or even 120 flex sticks when I can. I have had a couple of 100's still as well since they are easier to attain.

It always comes down to personal tastes. IMO there is no rule of thumb. I see 200+ lb guys still using 70-flex intermediate sticks and getting away with it. Nothing seems to fail. I also see stronger 140 lb kids using 100-flex just fine.

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Gradually progressed from 77 to 87 to 102.

When each stick started feeling like a bow and arrow, it was time to go up a flex. I don't see that happening with a 102 though.

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Some guys never learn to shoot with a stick that bends, some guys can actually load a stiffer stick and for some it's an ego thing to use a stiffer stick.

What flex do you use? And im 6'1 and at and around 200 lbs. Im only 19 so i expect to fill out a little more in the next few years through natrual devlopement and a result from all my time in the gym. Figured maybe that info would help if a 100 would too stiff for me.

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What flex do you use? And im 6'1 and at and around 200 lbs. Im only 19 so i expect to fill out a little more in the next few years through natrual devlopement and a result from all my time in the gym. Figured maybe that info would help if a 100 would too stiff for me.

I'm about your size and weight, and use 100 flex sticks. I agree with what others have said, in that the lower flexes just don't feel right. However, I skate with bigger guys who use lower flex sticks and prefer those. I'd really say to try to use a couple of your teammates sticks and figure out what feels best for you.

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Height and weight will factor in on how you load the stick, which is the main factor in deciding flex, imho. I shoot through the puck, as opposed to hitting the puck, and stiffer flexes seem to work best for me. I use a 90 or 100, and I'm 6'3, 230 - stiff is a relative term there, considering my size actually suggests I should be using a stiffer stick than that, but I've tried 80 and 85 flexes, and couldn't get the same power on any shots - wristers in particular.

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Good advice just above.

Personally, I prefer around 100 flex, but can use 95-110. Any whippier, and I can't shoot as hard (plus the shaft feels springy, even catching hard passes). I take mostly wristers and feel like I get more on them with a 100 vs 110. I feel like I have to try to "give it hell" to properly load 110's.

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Good advice just above.

Personally, I prefer around 100 flex, but can use 95-110. Any whippier, and I can't shoot as hard (plus the shaft feels springy, even catching hard passes). I take mostly wristers and feel like I get more on them with a 100 vs 110. I feel like I have to try to "give it hell" to properly load 110's.

Now one thing I have notice is with a 100 my shots go over the net more. I have a ONE95(87) and a SE16(100) both in the Drury style curve. I have a fairly good snapper and with the 87 they seem to not want to jump up. The SE the puck jumps quicker. Maybe its the stick itself, but my first thought was flex. Is this a sign of anything that Im doing wrong?

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What flex do you use? And im 6'1 and at and around 200 lbs. Im only 19 so i expect to fill out a little more in the next few years through natrual devlopement and a result from all my time in the gym. Figured maybe that info would help if a 100 would too stiff for me.

I'm about your height, but heavier, and I prefer 90-95 flexes. I've used 100 and 105s and cam shoot well with them, but I don't like having to put a lot of effort into my shots. You should base your flex choice on the types of shots you get in games, not on practice ice. If I bear down, I can launch bombs with a 110, but I never get that much time in a game and by putting that much effort into my shot, I lose some control and quickness of the release. A lower flex makes it much easier to get powerful shots and get them off more quickly, for me. Your results and preferences may vary.

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I'm about your height, but heavier, and I prefer 90-95 flexes. I've used 100 and 105s and cam shoot well with them, but I don't like having to put a lot of effort into my shots. You should base your flex choice on the types of shots you get in games, not on practice ice. If I bear down, I can launch bombs with a 110, but I never get that much time in a game and by putting that much effort into my shot, I lose some control and quickness of the release. A lower flex makes it much easier to get powerful shots and get them off more quickly, for me. Your results and preferences may vary.

Well I use Eastons un-cut, and with Bauer I add a full inch, so I'm guessing their about a 95ish flex. If both sitcks were a 100 to start that is.

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My TPS sticks are R flex (95) and I use a 3 inch plug, so they're at the 90-ish range. I've also been using the battleaxe bx-10 in 90 flex at full length and it has been quite comfortable, same goes for inno/warrior 260 flex

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I think I'm pretty settled in on 85-90 flex sticks. I like just a slight bend on wristers/snappers, but not so much that my slappers are bowing. I can still shoot pretty well with higher flex sticks, but don't like them. Currently using Bauer tapered One95 shafts in 87 flex and a RedLite XN10 in R flex.

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I tried a 75 flex. I started shanking some shots. I thought, "Oh hey, I read this on MSH! I should try to slow down my motion or something?" Yeah no, didn't work for me. It took me about 10 minutes to decide that lower flexes weren't for me.

Just curious to what your height and weight is and what flex and stick manufacturer you are using now?

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Just curious to what your height and weight is and what flex and stick manufacturer you are using now?

I'm not an overly tall guy, but I'd think I'm pretty well built. 5'8, 180ish pounds. Right now, I'm using a Base Savoy Special. It was cut down a bit, so now it's anywhere from 85-90. My last stick was a One 95, 87 flex.

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I'm about your height, but heavier, and I prefer 90-95 flexes. I've used 100 and 105s and cam shoot well with them, but I don't like having to put a lot of effort into my shots. You should base your flex choice on the types of shots you get in games, not on practice ice. If I bear down, I can launch bombs with a 110, but I never get that much time in a game and by putting that much effort into my shot, I lose some control and quickness of the release. A lower flex makes it much easier to get powerful shots and get them off more quickly, for me. Your results and preferences may vary.

Chad makes a good point here and I find that I've noticed this too. In practice I can use 110 flex very easily for warming up the Goalie. I am 6ft 200lbs. However, in a game situation 110 flex is no good to me as I do not have the time to load and my shot comes off like a fluttering muffin. I am going to be moving down to 85 flex.

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Chad makes a good point here and I find that I've noticed this too. In practice I can use 110 flex very easily for warming up the Goalie. I am 6ft 200lbs. However, in a game situation 110 flex is no good to me as I do not have the time to load and my shot comes off like a fluttering muffin. I am going to be moving down to 85 flex.

How exactly do you flex your stick when taking a snap shot? And I noticed last night that my snap shot at times was good but others times kind of lack luster..slap shot was wayyyyyy harder though. I have a hunch that it might maybe be the stick causing my loss of zip. I've been using ONE95s for a while now and the SE 16 doesn't have the same pop..even with the stiffer ONE 95 shafts.

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I usually cut down my sticks to add stiffness as 110+ are hard to find where I live. Currently, I have a X:40 102flex that I cut down to 115 and then add a wood butt-end to make up for the lack of height (stock length is good but still need to cut them down.) When I was using wood sticks, I would buy the xx-stiff so my shot would load properly.

Some brands have flex rating that I don't think are very acurate. For instance, I have a 102 vapor X shaft that feels stiffer than my 110flex easton st shaft. I roll through sticks quite regulary even though I only play men's league 2-3 times a week and the warrior royale stick lasted my the longest (2 years) while the ccm/rbk sticks didn't last very long at all. I loved them, but I can't afford to buy a new stick every 2 months.

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ive used 85-100 all my life until i got my base 75 flex.. i have gotten used to it somewhat but i think i will go back to 85 after this one tanks... thee is just too much whip overall.. esp with my slapper and backhand.. i cant seems to flick my backhanders because it flexes the shaft and creates a lag.. sucks.. it is def easier to get the puck off faster but it def has taken speed and velocity off my shot for the most part....

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ive used 85-100 all my life until i got my base 75 flex.. i have gotten used to it somewhat but i think i will go back to 85 after this one tanks... thee is just too much whip overall.. esp with my slapper and backhand.. i cant seems to flick my backhanders because it flexes the shaft and creates a lag.. sucks.. it is def easier to get the puck off faster but it def has taken speed and velocity off my shot for the most part....

Yeah, with a flex like that, you may have to try not to load the stick and just let it happen naturally. I feel the same way with 85s.

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I've always used stiffer sticks because I have a lot of upper body strength and I was always under the impression that stiffer sticks didn't break as easily and whatnot. For my first 5+ years of roller/HS ice career I used 90+ flex shafts and cut the hell out of them so they were probably around 110+ and I even had a Koho shaft that must have been XXX stiff. I could shoot with them, and stickhandle with them, and it seemed all good.

At the end of my junior year of HS the guys at my LHS said to try out a regular/mid flex, so I did and I've never looked back. The guy explained to me that stiffer sticks are more likely to break on botched shots or slashes because they don't have any 'give' and that even if I have a really hard wrister and my sticks take a lot of abuse from deflections, a whippy-er stick would actually help more than it would hurt. I sold off my two very very stiff shafts and started shooting with sticks in the 80 flex range. Never looked back.

My Tri-core and my 2 woodys are still around 100 flex after cutting, but my R6 OPS and 08 rbk 6k are both around 80-85 flex after cutting and I'd never get anything stiffer than 90 out of the box anymore.

A side-note is that I can still shoot the 100+ flex sticks with some great speed, and I do like having stiff sticks around. I just like the way a softer flex feels, and they ARE less likely to break from normal use than a 110+.

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