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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Action Jackson

Preferance On Stiff Flex

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I've always used stiffer sticks because I have a lot of upper body strength and I was always under the impression that stiffer sticks didn't break as easily and whatnot. For my first 5+ years of roller/HS ice career I used 90+ flex shafts and cut the hell out of them so they were probably around 110+ and I even had a Koho shaft that must have been XXX stiff. I could shoot with them, and stickhandle with them, and it seemed all good.

At the end of my junior year of HS the guys at my LHS said to try out a regular/mid flex, so I did and I've never looked back. The guy explained to me that stiffer sticks are more likely to break on botched shots or slashes because they don't have any 'give' and that even if I have a really hard wrister and my sticks take a lot of abuse from deflections, a whippy-er stick would actually help more than it would hurt. I sold off my two very very stiff shafts and started shooting with sticks in the 80 flex range. Never looked back.

My Tri-core and my 2 woodys are still around 100 flex after cutting, but my R6 OPS and 08 rbk 6k are both around 80-85 flex after cutting and I'd never get anything stiffer than 90 out of the box anymore.

A side-note is that I can still shoot the 100+ flex sticks with some great speed, and I do like having stiff sticks around. I just like the way a softer flex feels, and they ARE less likely to break from normal use than a 110+.

Eh, I dono about that. Personally, I've snapped a few 85s in half just by flexing them. Don't know if I've ever done that with a 100+.

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I've always used stiffer sticks because I have a lot of upper body strength...

Upper body strength is pretty much irrelevant when shooting. In fact, most of the heavily muscled guys I know have issues shooting due to their bulk.

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Upper body strength is pretty much irrelevant when shooting. In fact, most of the heavily muscled guys I know have issues shooting due to their bulk.

I've gotta say, ever since switching to sticks that are less than 90 flex it's made a huge difference. My slaps and snaps have more kick to them, Stickhandling feels softer and more responsive, catching rocket passes is indescribable.

I'll only use stiff sticks now for ball hockey or practice with a weighted puck.

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I've gotta say, ever since switching to sticks that are less than 90 flex it's made a huge difference. My slaps and snaps have more kick to them...

That's because the stick actually does kick now, instead of it just being a lever.

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If I actually had the leverage and skill to flex a higher flex stick I probably would be using one. However, since my skill and leverage are not the best, I find it more comfortable using a stick that is in the mid 70's for flex. I've tried an 85-90 flex stick for a number of times, but never felt like I could actually flex it to my advantage when taking shots.

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Upper body strength is pretty much irrelevant when shooting. In fact, most of the heavily muscled guys I know have issues shooting due to their bulk.

Yeah, I mostly agree. The upper legs and trunk are the important parts. Then the only other part that makes a big impact is the core. Sadly for me, the pecs do nothing, the shoulders only do a little and upper arms are largely useless too. Upper legs, trunk and lower back/abs are 99% of shooting.

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Yeah, I mostly agree. The upper legs and trunk are the important parts. Then the only other part that makes a big impact is the core. Sadly for me, the pecs do nothing, the shoulders only do a little and upper arms are largely useless too. Upper legs, trunk and lower back/abs are 99% of shooting.

I think grip and forearm strength on the bottom hand/arm are very helpful for controlling torque as well.

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I think grip and forearm strength on the bottom hand/arm are very helpful for controlling torque as well.

To add to key areas of strength in the arm, I gotta mention the wrists. I spend a lot of time also developing wrist strength. My top 3 priorities for improving my shooting would be core, thigh-ish and wrists.

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To add to key areas of strength in the arm, I gotta mention the wrists. I spend a lot of time also developing wrist strength. My top 3 priorities for improving my shooting would be core, thigh-ish and wrists.

Yeah ever since I got my techniques ironed out, I find that no matter what type of shot you're taking, the push from that back leg, and the driving of the forearms is what gets it done. I was trying to illustrate how I've evolved from 'me big boy, me need stiffest stick you carry,' to 'Oh hell yeah, that's gonna be like flicking a rubber band when I shoot it.' When i was using stiffer sticks my shot mechanics (on ALL shot types) were horrible from a 'this is what you SHOULD be doing' standpoint. Not that whip flex has improved my technique at all. Had to do that on my own.

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Yeah, I mostly agree. The upper legs and trunk are the important parts. Then the only other part that makes a big impact is the core. Sadly for me, the pecs do nothing, the shoulders only do a little and upper arms are largely useless too. Upper legs, trunk and lower back/abs are 99% of shooting.

That does explain my hard shot. I've got monster legs. But back on topic I am definitely considering moving up to a stiffer stick but noticed that the TotalOne only comes in a 102 — which is what I use now.

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Not that whip flex has improved my technique at all. Had to do that on my own.

Softer flexes force you to refine your technique. It won't do it for you, you still have to do it yourself, but you just can't shoot with bad form if you're using a soft flex.

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Softer flexes force you to refine your technique. It won't do it for you, you still have to do it yourself, but you just can't shoot with bad form if you're using a soft flex.

I'm not sure if better is the word though, I kind of think exaggerated is the right word.

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Gorilla flexes 4 lyfe. Always have shot harder/better with them even after tweaking techniques. I also like stickhandling better with a higher flex than a lower flex.

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Gorilla flexes 4 lyfe. Always have shot harder/better with them even after tweaking techniques. I also like stickhandling better with a higher flex than a lower flex.

Whats the proper way to flex a stick during a wrist/snap shot, especially with a stiffer shaft. Do you lean on it to get that bend..then do the flicking/snap motion towards the net? Do you shoot more down to the ice?

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I take snapshots rather than wristers because I use heel curves, but I take a bit of ice loading them up. I lean down and in a little and then fire it off. For a better wrist technique I'd look for high def clips of Semin since he uses a stiffer flex and fires lasers.

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I'm not sure if better is the word though, I kind of think exaggerated is the right word.

Once you refine the form, it carries over to stiffer flexes. The only change with a stiffer flex is that it requires you to apply more force with the same motion.

Whats the proper way to flex a stick during a wrist/snap shot, especially with a stiffer shaft. Do you lean on it to get that bend..then do the flicking/snap motion towards the net? Do you shoot more down to the ice?

You should be able to get that loading by pushing down without having to put your whole body into it.

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Once you refine the form, it carries over to stiffer flexes. The only change with a stiffer flex is that it requires you to apply more force with the same motion.

You should be able to get that loading by pushing down without having to put your whole body into it.

I dont use my whole body weight. I lower the handle of the stick a little..lean until i feel it bend, then try and snap it off real quick before the shaft straightens out.

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i will give my 75 flex (cut about 2 inches so probably about 80 now) a chance until it breaks.. but coincidentally, I have no pts in 3 games with it... I just do not feel confident with it...

Strength has a lot to do with a hard shot but not everything... I mean, weight and core strength probably has to do with most of it... The hardest shooters use a bit of a stiffer stick because they can load it with their weight and proper form. But in the end it is what you are used to. Just like not every skater uses the same hollow and radius etc..

But for me, I am very pessimistic that I can use a 75 as well as an 85/87... or even a 100 flex. I don't get how you can take a slapper without putting much lean into it and it still fly. If I do a smooth backswing and follow through i can shoot it ok, but it will never be as fast as if i really lean into a stick one level stiffer... I will keep giving it a shot though... BUT, it could be all psychological and that I am not used to feeling a bend in the shaft.. If I had my shots clocked with my wrister and slapper and compared my shot with a 75 and 87 flex, I would not be surprised if they were about the same speed. It may as well be all in my head, and I am just not used to the "feel".

It totally makes sense regarding whippier sticks taking more abuse with slashes and deflections... Stiff sticks can be more "brittle" with slashes, but in terms of flexing, you are more like to break a flexy stick if you flex it alot compared to a stiff stick where youw ouldnt be able to flex it more than an inch-2 with all your body weight.

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Once you refine the form, it carries over to stiffer flexes. The only change with a stiffer flex is that it requires you to apply more force with the same motion.

You should be able to get that loading by pushing down without having to put your whole body into it.

Yeah, that explains why I like to keep my hands closer together with a lower flex. With an 87, I focus on not putting strength into it but instead embellishing the motion, that seems to work best for me. With a stiffer flex, I have to explode through it but it usually does shoot better on wristers and snappers that way.

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Stiff sticks can be more "brittle" with slashes, but in terms of flexing, you are more like to break a flexy stick if you flex it alot compared to a stiff stick where youw ouldnt be able to flex it more than an inch-2 with all your body weight.

If you're breaking a stick because you're flexing it too far, the stick isn't the problem.

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If you're breaking a stick because you're flexing it too far, the stick isn't the problem.

I cant recall the last time I saw someone break a stick on an actual shot...blade, maybe but the shaft nope. It's normally from people going into the boards stick first or getting their stick hacked by some reckless buffoon.

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I entertained the thought of trying an 85 flex this past week but realized I've got a good shot with my 65's and I'm short so I won't worry about it. Funny though, when I was leaning on my cut down 75 (cut 6-7" so it's probably 100+ flex) I felt the sharp pain in my back that had been nagging me for a few weeks and was going away. Guess I figured out what caused that problem.

I am jealous though of my taller teammates who have absolute bomb mini-slappers (or snappers, whatever) with 85-100 flexes. But I've got a much quicker/deceptive release on my wrist/snappers so it's all good.

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I entertained the thought of trying an 85 flex this past week but realized I've got a good shot with my 65's and I'm short so I won't worry about it. Funny though, when I was leaning on my cut down 75 (cut 6-7" so it's probably 100+ flex) I felt the sharp pain in my back that had been nagging me for a few weeks and was going away. Guess I figured out what caused that problem.

I am jealous though of my taller teammates who have absolute bomb mini-slappers (or snappers, whatever) with 85-100 flexes. But I've got a much quicker/deceptive release on my wrist/snappers so it's all good.

I wanna try a 65 flex just to see what the result is LOL. I'm 6'1 - 300lbs :)

BTW is that an 03-04 Cobra in your avatar? It's pretty small, cant tell.

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I entertained the thought of trying an 85 flex this past week but realized I've got a good shot with my 65's and I'm short so I won't worry about it. Funny though, when I was leaning on my cut down 75 (cut 6-7" so it's probably 100+ flex) I felt the sharp pain in my back that had been nagging me for a few weeks and was going away. Guess I figured out what caused that problem.

I am jealous though of my taller teammates who have absolute bomb mini-slappers (or snappers, whatever) with 85-100 flexes. But I've got a much quicker/deceptive release on my wrist/snappers so it's all good.

I wanna try a 65 flex just to see what the result is LOL. I'm 6'1 - 300lbs :)

BTW is that an 03-04 Cobra in your avatar? It's pretty small, cant tell.

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I went from 90 to 87 to 75 flex. Slapshots were great with the stiffer sticks, but wristshots and snapshots suffered, and since I almost never have time to take a slapshot I decided to move down in flex.

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