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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Bauer p72

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I'm been looking online for a place to buy Bauer p72's. (preferably replacement blades)

It's a stock bauer curve (that doesn't sell enough to be offered at retail), they used to have it in the ID program, but not any more.

Does anybody have a suggestion on where to find or order some? e.g. if it would be possible to order it if I bought 12 rb's through a Bauer retailer?


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i coul dbe wrong but to me it looks like the new kovalchuck curve in warrior blades? :unsure:

not at all. unless the newest rendition of the kovalchuk has changed drastically.

the p72 is a heel curve with a lower lie. the closest i've seen is the sherwood ryan curve, pp9 i believe.

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Easton Styles, TPS P31 and absolutely no retail equivalent. I've been using this curve for years and I'm just about out of my personal stash of tapered blades. I've been holding out hope that someone will offer custom composite soon so I don't have to change.

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I know that Total Hockey and a few others had some ID blades that they were selling in store last year. No clue if they had the p72 but maybe TH has em?

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