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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Gionta Pattern

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Probably the best curve I've used since the pro stock Gino. AMAZING!!!! - I'm buying 3 more just to have stashed in my closet. :biggrin: The blade has such a nice feel to it too. So worth the 55$'s

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Although I've never seen a Gionta curve in person, it will be the next curve that I purchase. The extremely well written LTR by rachael7 and the pics of the curve make it impossible for me not to make it my next purchase :smile:

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i took the plunge and bought the last AK27 DD gionta curve at my LHS... gonna be taking it out for a drive at my game tonight... pretty excited!

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From rachel7's pic...kinda looks like a P92 curve to me...anyone know the difference between the P92 and the Gionta...besides the lie?

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  On 12/10/2010 at 10:08 PM, MLSman said:

From rachel7's pic...kinda looks like a P92 curve to me...anyone know the difference between the P92 and the Gionta...besides the lie?

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The Gionta has less rocker, more of the curve is in the toe and the curve is closed. The P92 is only similar in the sense that it's a mid-toe and rounded at the end - it's more open, with more rocker and isn't as much of a true toe. That's just my assessment from looking at it on the weekend and from using a P92 in the past. There's more similarity between the Gionta and a P92 then the Gionta and a heel wedge, but they're definitely two distinct curves.

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  On 12/10/2010 at 10:15 PM, althoma1 said:

The Gionta has less rocker, more of the curve is in the toe and the curve is closed. The P92 is only similar in the sense that it's a mid-toe and rounded at the end - it's more open, with more rocker and isn't as much of a true toe. That's just my assessment from looking at it on the weekend and from using a P92 in the past. There's more similarity between the Gionta and a P92 then the Gionta and a heel wedge, but they're definitely two distinct curves.

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I will have a comparo picture in a few days... Gionta vs. Draper L4. I ordered a Draper L4 but it just shipped today.

Compared to my Easton Sakic (now sold), I will agree that the patterns were drastically different. They kind of play similar though for me! I did not have to adjust my technique much going from the Sakic to the Gionta. I don't think others will have to adjust much either, but it is all personal technique.

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  On 12/11/2010 at 5:57 AM, theelite said:

have to say that the gionta blade is very nice. wristers and snappers come flying off the blade. you can really whip the puck.

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That's been my experience as well. Its a bit tougher to find the sweet spot for slappers, in my opinion; but wristers, snappers, and hot sauce just rip off the blade.

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Just got the Gionta. Switched from a Draper. I've used it 3 times and it's an awesome curve. Have to agree that wristers and snappers just slingshot off the blade. My backhand took a little tweaking but nothing drastic.

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I hope this becomes one of Warrior's more popular patterns so they start offering it in variable lies. I need at least a 5. Keep buying! :smile:

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  On 12/9/2010 at 1:50 PM, theelite said:

what's the actual lie of the blade? I think it's marked as 4 on the blade itself, meaning it's really a 5 in Easton/Bauer terms?

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I recently got a Dolo Spyne Savard as a replacement for a stick I broke and although listed as a 4, it felt and played identical to my Zetterberg 5 SE16. I will say that my Stamkos 5 T1 and Malkin 5 X60 felt and played slightly higher, like maybe a 5 1/2. Not sure why because they looked similar in profile to my other 5s. I think it has something to do with the a squarish heel on the Bauers.

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  On 12/12/2010 at 4:02 AM, #96 said:

I recently got a Dolo Spyne Savard as a replacement for a stick I broke and although listed as a 4, it felt and played identical to my Zetterberg 5 SE16. I will say that my Stamkos 5 T1 and Malkin 5 X60 felt and played slightly higher, like maybe a 5 1/2. Not sure why because they looked similar in profile to my other 5s. I think it has something to do with the a squarish heel on the Bauers.

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Rule of thumb on Warrior and Inno blades is to add 1 to the lie to be equal to the Easton and Bauer lies.

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  On 12/12/2010 at 4:17 AM, dsjunior1388 said:

Rule of thumb on Warrior and Inno blades is to add 1 to the lie to be equal to the Easton and Bauer lies.

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And that is exactly why I'm hoping for one in a Warrior lie 3, though I doubt it will ever happen.

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I picked up this blade and used it tonight, wow I love it. I was using a sakic and I find I can get alot more spin on my shot. Any word how the durability is on the DD blades? I had one of the HD blades and it was splitting at the toe after only two pick up games.

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Do you guys notice that warrior's lie is higher than what they list? For example, if they say it's a like 4 it's really a lie 5 comparing to other companies.

Speaking of gionta, here's his real curve. lie 5 heel wedge


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  On 12/12/2010 at 9:14 PM, flaming_june said:

Do you guys notice that warrior's lie is higher than what they list? For example, if they say it's a like 4 it's really a lie 5 comparing to other companies.

Speaking of gionta, here's his real curve. lie 5 heel wedge

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Did YOU notice that we were just discussing that very thing, not three posts up from yours? Why bother posting in the thread if you haven't read any of it?

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Here are some side-by-side of a Draper L4 and Gionta... sorry for the crappy pics - I only had the camcorder and cell phone handy!

Draper L4 on the left vs Gionta on the right:


Another side-by-side, but a different angle:




Draper L4:


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Becoming a bigger and bigger fan of this curve the more I use it.

Coming from a Sakic, I'm finding my shooting has improved. The puck doesn't get up as much as it's a little more closed, so a lot of my shots are right in that sweet spot, two to three feet off the ice with the same shooting motion. With the Sakic, I was going high a little too much.

Stickhandling is better (even though I'd like an even lower lie). The Easton Sakic and Gionta are pretty close, with the Gionta being ever so slightly lower. Doesn't seem like it'd make much of a difference, but well, it does for me.

With the stick having a flatter/less open mid, backhanders are easier and I'm able to get slappers off a little more often without flubbing them.

If you like a Sakic curve, I'd really suggest trying this one out.

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Got to see this curve in person and it looks a lot more like a toe curve than it does in pictures. Pretty cool that they're putting it retail.

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Definitely going to be a popular curve with our crowd. I just hope its popular enough with the 'regular peeps' to keep it in the stores for a while.

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the first time i went to my LHS they had probably 4-5 of this in AK DD, and 4-5 in the Bandito blades...

I went back to the store to get my skates sharpened and they're fresh out in both AK and Bandito.... it's popular where I am for sure... I'm just waiting for the tapered version to go with my Dolo

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