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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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NARCh Winternationals

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I was looking through some of the pictures on the NARCh website and came across what looks like a new Tour 4-roll glove.. anyone have any info?


Also, I heard the HB guys were in the new Reebok 11k inline skate but I couldn't find any decent proof in the NARCh picture gallery

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I was looking through some of the pictures on the NARCh website and came across what looks like a new Tour 4-roll glove.. anyone have any info?

Also, I heard the HB guys were in the new Reebok 11k inline skate but I couldn't find any decent proof in the NARCh picture gallery

Those 4-Roll's look great. Found my next pair of gloves!

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Those 4-Roll's look great. Found my next pair of gloves!

They do look good, a hell of a lot better than the Lionheart pro gloves.


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Huh, love the 4-roll glove. I guess my pestering of Brad at JO's actually went somewhere. I also noticed that it looks like a nylon material.

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Reebok may have just really stepped up in the inline game. Getting a legit chassis on their skate is going to be a huge boost to them.

So what happens to Tour, who unless I'm mistaken, relies heavily on having the only straight 80mm frame on the market? This is like having two cups of water and you take a spoonful from one and put it in the other. One of the cups (Reebok) now has two spoonfuls more than the other (Tour), not to mention a BUDGET that was already very lopsided. And inline may end up with two companies eventually.

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i TOLD ya'll about the new reebok's back in july or august, seems that reebok is on a 2 year cycle like most of you mentioned, but the HB guys had to keep it on the d-low. haha, anyway, ya... josh and joey lareeks have had these for a while now, except with an unbranded labeda hum'er chassis, not this official reebok labeda hum'er one.

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So what happens to Tour, who unless I'm mistaken, relies heavily on having the only straight 80mm frame on the market? This is like having two cups of water and you take a spoonful from one and put it in the other. One of the cups (Reebok) now has two spoonfuls more than the other (Tour), not to mention a BUDGET that was already very lopsided. And inline may end up with two companies eventually.

Its a good question. Im not on the inside, but I wonder if there has been some kind of falling out between Tour and Labeda? It seems strange that Labeda would sell the Hum'er to Reebok without that being the case...Still, I think Tour has enough brand recognition in the industry to stay strong for a while. They are still number one or two at almost every tournament I have been to. But, this Reebok skate could be a major player, as long as its priced right. If they are going for a $600 skate, as they have done in the past, then I cant see it being that successful. I wonder if they will have the Hum'er throughout the lineup? Or will they do what Tour does, and have lower end all 80 mm chassis? Or, will they save that set up for their top end skate, and continue to use the Tri-Di set up for their lower end skates?

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Or, will they save that set up for their top end skate, and continue to use the Tri-Di set up for their lower end skates?

I hope not, I wonder if CCM is going to ditch the tri-di as well?

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Based on appearance, this Reebok inline hockey boot looks like the 10K ice hockey boot. Just curious, do any of you know whether or not these Reebok 11K Roller Hockey Skates will be available in white?

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meals7 are those your reebok 11Ks?

from the way those back arms are raised in some areas i would have to say it's some kind of metal or plastic and not carbon or anything of the like. They really should of done the right thing and used the sprung. I think the only thing stopping companies from going down that road is the plastic... hard to sell a noob on plastic as they don't understand how much better it is then the old orginal rollerblade plastic.

Also does it look like those two front wheels are not as high up or close to the boot as the tours making for a very high chassis or at least thats what it looks like to me.

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The new Reebok skates look impressive, do they feature a direct power system (cavity on tour skate outsole) equivalent? Maybe it is just me, but from the pictures it looks like the boot sits higher off the wheels.

With the posed question earlier in the topic regarding the hummer frame now being offered by two companies, it will be very interesting how this affects the big names in the skate market in the upcoming year. But, you have to really account for how much tour is ingrained into the sport and all the tournament events. Its good to see some 4 roll Tour gloves at their stand, I have seen 4 roll tour gloves off an on on various players, but to see them actually come to production would be awesome!

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The new Reebok skates look impressive, do they feature a direct power system (cavity on tour skate outsole) equivalent? Maybe it is just me, but from the pictures it looks like the boot sits higher off the wheels.

With the posed question earlier in the topic regarding the hummer frame now being offered by two companies, it will be very interesting how this affects the big names in the skate market in the upcoming year. But, you have to really account for how much tour is ingrained into the sport and all the tournament events. Its good to see some 4 roll Tour gloves at their stand, I have seen 4 roll tour gloves off an on on various players, but to see them actually come to production would be awesome!

I think Tour has a patent for the DPS system. the 9k looked to sit higher but it could be the angle

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So what happens to Tour, who unless I'm mistaken, relies heavily on having the only straight 80mm frame on the market? This is like having two cups of water and you take a spoonful from one and put it in the other. One of the cups (Reebok) now has two spoonfuls more than the other (Tour), not to mention a BUDGET that was already very lopsided. And inline may end up with two companies eventually.

Mission was aquired, why not Tour?

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Mission was aquired, why not Tour?

I think players now have an option. For one, if you like the straight 80mm frame but didnt like the way the tour boot fit your foot,you might want to see how the Reebok skate fits. My son uses the Reebok skates,What if he doesnt like the straight 80 frame. This should be interesting to see how the Reebok skaters like the straight 80 hummer frame.

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Reebok is a smart company, the Labeda Frame technolgy has been miles ahead of what others do. Look around, how many 72mm--80mm High Low set ups do you see. Obviuosly certain brands want to promote there own Frame Systems. Labeda introduced the Big Wheel technology, we saw the advantages right away. It's taken others a while to go this direction. Look at what the other companies, are doing, 76mm/80mm High Low, there version of the big wheel technology without admitting that Labeda is the leader in this area. I suggest they bite the bullet and go all 80's.

Curtis Labeda helped us in developing a new Hum'er frame specificly for our company. In all our testing we found that if you could lower the center of gravity, (lower the boot closer to the skating surface), it increased control dramaticly. This is why we developed our version of the DPS (Direct Power System), creating a channel in our outsoles, allowing the front two 80mm wheels to be recessed into the outsole, lowering the center of gravity. This made a huge difference in performance. Concerning comments that Tour and Labeda have had a falling out, absolutly false. Our relationship with Labeda is stronger than ever. These guys know there stuff, and we will not only continue to support them, we will work hand in hand with Labeda in product development. The fact that Reebok now has a Labeda Hum'er version (made for them), actually supports what we have said for years, Labeda is the leader in Frame technology. I see this as a very smart move for Reebok.

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