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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Toes freeze in skates

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This may sound weird, but I need help with it so I am posting in hopes of someone else having the issue or just opinions on my solution. I wear Nike Flexlite 12's, and Graf 709's before that. Both have plastic toe caps, and after intially being fine, the 709's and now my Flexlites cause my toes to freeze. I can bear it somewhat playing indoors, but I am heading to the World Pond Hockey Championships where temperatures can get to be -30 or worse.

In an attempt to fix my problem, a friend who surfs suggested neoprene socks. I presently wear under armour socks, so these would be very different. Any thoughts on whether this would work??? I don't want my feet to sweat, but don't want them freezing either. I have tried light wool socks but they itch bad. I also seem to remember the Kor skate having a neoprene layer in the toe cap if I am not mistaken.

I would appreciate any insight or comments on this as I am at a loss as I love the skates but cannot deal with frozen toes all the time.

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Maybe your skates are tied too tightly? I find that if my toes are getting cold on the ice it's because I've tied the instep area of my skates too tightly and I'm losing circulation to my foot.

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Maybe your skates are tied too tightly? I find that if my toes are getting cold on the ice it's because I've tied the instep area of my skates too tightly and I'm losing circulation to my foot.

My feet used to go numb in my old skates, probably due to them being tied too tight. Your feet being numb has surprisingly little effect on your skating though :P

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I can relate...my current skates are a bit to small, if i lace em up to tite, my feet get cold and sometimes numb, once i loosen em up a bit im usually good' however i feel numb feet does effect my skating

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Sounds like a possible circulatory problem. As others mentioned, maybe due to tight laces, but perhaps biological?

If your feet don't get cold easily in really cold weather, in normal shoes, I'd lean towards suspecting the laces, too.

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Just run toe or foot warmers.....they last up to 8hrs.....they have foot ones that lay along the sole of your foot, or toe ones that go on your toes, with adhesive. The ones that walmart sells are what I am talking about. Just open them expose to air,and game on! Works for me when fishing in -25 temps!

Good luck!

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Yeah, when I tie the mid portion of my skates too tight it sometimes pinches the large vein on the top of my foot and causes my toes to go numb.

Next time that happens, try loosening that area and see if it goes away.

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Id agree that its most likely due to the skates being too tight or them being laced too tightly. When playing inside your toes shouldnt get cold. You could try lacing them slightly looser.

Honestly though, if its -30 there isnt anything thats going to keep you from freezing your toes.

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Maybe your skates are tied too tightly? I find that if my toes are getting cold on the ice it's because I've tied the instep area of my skates too tightly and I'm losing circulation to my foot.

yes, the most common reason

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A teammate of mine growing up had the same problem also, he somewhat fixded it by loosing them because he was lacing them up too tight. I believe he even tried putting hot coal handwarmers over his toes lol.

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To more directly answer your question... I think that neoprene socks is a horrible idea. Neoprene is thick - I cannot imagine anyway they will fit you. Even if they do fit, neoprene socks would act as dampening agent insulating you against vibration. This is bad for hockey players - translated into English it means you won't feel the ice! I'd rather be cold.

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Maybe try these socks to increase blood circulation...

Holofiber/Celliant Sock

I know I was skeptical in the Reebok catalog review as they use Celliant material in the "Zigtech technology" of some of their shoulder pads. But being a nerd who's easily sucked into marketing, I tried the underwear from both Wickers and Saucony (Amp Pro2) and I think it actually does improve your circulation. I haven't tried the socks, but they may work.

For 16 bucks it's not bad from Wickers. From Saucony though, the same technology is used in a compression sock that is a bit pricey at 50 bucks.

Amp Pro2 Gear

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