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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Franklin D. Roosevelt IV

Some Potpourri Questions about sticks

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Hello everyone,

I have some questions regarding Easton sticks, best purchase times, and other brands. Last night, I broke my SE16. The blade snapped in half. Before that, my S17 blade cracked, and before that my lowly Sc6 blade cracked as well (all OPS within 1 yr). I was wondering if anybody else experienced similar problems with their Easton sticks. If yes, then I will probably by picking up a diff stick. Heck, I'm probably not buying another Easton for awhile regardless. Now, my high school season is almost over so I think I'll probably just flip my stick and stick in a blade. So when is the best time for purchasing a new stick? I've usually bought them around Christmas time, but that's out of the question now. I know Hockeymonkey is currently having some great blowout sales, should I buy a stick now, or wait until possibly the spring or summer? Now this brings me to my final question, I've been an Easton guy since I was a lad, what other brand feels like an Easton? I haven't had any experience with other brands.

So basically my 3 questions are -

1. Is anyone else having Easton durability issues?

2. When is the best time to purchase a new stick?

3. Which other sticks would feel like an Easton?

Thank you.

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Hello everyone,

I have some questions regarding Easton sticks, best purchase times, and other brands. Last night, I broke my SE16. The blade snapped in half. Before that, my S17 blade cracked, and before that my lowly Sc6 blade cracked as well (all OPS within 1 yr). I was wondering if anybody else experienced similar problems with their Easton sticks. If yes, then I will probably by picking up a diff stick. Heck, I'm probably not buying another Easton for awhile regardless. Now, my high school season is almost over so I think I'll probably just flip my stick and stick in a blade. So when is the best time for purchasing a new stick? I've usually bought them around Christmas time, but that's out of the question now. I know Hockeymonkey is currently having some great blowout sales, should I buy a stick now, or wait until possibly the spring or summer? Now this brings me to my final question, I've been an Easton guy since I was a lad, what other brand feels like an Easton? I haven't had any experience with other brands.

So basically my 3 questions are -

1. Is anyone else having Easton durability issues?

2. When is the best time to purchase a new stick?

3. Which other sticks would feel like an Easton?

Thank you.

I think if you like Easton maybe you should try the Easton ST line. They seem more tank like. I had the same problem with my SE16 which I loved. I wanted a 300 dollar stick that would last a bit longer so I went to a Bauer ONE 95. It's a great stick but I missed the Eastons to much... So if you like Easton I would try the ST line first...

If your in the States the top end stick are cheap so any time would be a good time to by a stick...

I think the SE16, EQ50 and the S17 are the weaker sticks when it come to durability. Which is too bad since they are all great sticks while they last...

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Do you play center or take a lot of faceoffs? If you're playing in a relatively high level league, breaking two high end sticks over the course of a season isn't all that uncommon.

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My opinion: Pick up the 2010 Easton ST. Thing is a tank, and still has decent performance. This is of course assuming you want to stick with Eastons.

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Yes I am a center. I guess it's not. Just looking for a stick that wont leave me halfway through the season </3. I've been looking at the Warrior Dolomites, but looking at the reviews there seem to be a lot of heel problems.

I would look into a tapered shaft and blade combo. Since you are breaking blades and not shafts, that should save you a bunch of money and you could stick with the Easton (SE16 shaft & blade) feel that you are used to. As for the Warrior heel problems, I would guess that a lot of them have to do with people using the wrong lie as Warrior blades have a higher lie than the numbers would indicate.

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i concur with chadd. the se16 is essentially a fused two piece, so if you grab an se16 shaft and a bunch of se16 blades there shouldn't be a noticeable difference.

you get the added advantage that right now the se16 is discontinued and thus on clearance. added savings.

i know at my LHS they have a stupid huge stockpile of se16 everythings on clearance.

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Hello everyone,

I have some questions regarding Easton sticks, best purchase times, and other brands. Last night, I broke my SE16. The blade snapped in half. Before that, my S17 blade cracked, and before that my lowly Sc6 blade cracked as well (all OPS within 1 yr). I was wondering if anybody else experienced similar problems with their Easton sticks. If yes, then I will probably by picking up a diff stick. Heck, I'm probably not buying another Easton for awhile regardless. Now, my high school season is almost over so I think I'll probably just flip my stick and stick in a blade. So when is the best time for purchasing a new stick? I've usually bought them around Christmas time, but that's out of the question now. I know Hockeymonkey is currently having some great blowout sales, should I buy a stick now, or wait until possibly the spring or summer? Now this brings me to my final question, I've been an Easton guy since I was a lad, what other brand feels like an Easton? I haven't had any experience with other brands.

So basically my 3 questions are -

1. Is anyone else having Easton durability issues?

2. When is the best time to purchase a new stick?

3. Which other sticks would feel like an Easton?

Thank you.

1. i have used the s17 and se16 in the past. i broke both in the shaft not in the blade. i know s17s are known for having durability issues but i haven't heard about the se16 having that issue.

2. the best time to buy a stick is probably know considering all the new stuff will be coming out in march. i would also look around in the summer because i know where i live they take down a rink in an arena and have a sale.

3. I am not really sure about a stick similar to an s17 but by just speculating, maybe the warrior DD would be comparable to an se16.

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As someone who fixes many, many sticks for a living, I can tell you no brand or model stick is "immune" from breaking. A lot of it depends on your style and position of course, but the bottom line is if you want a light responsive stick, it's going to break rather easily. Still, some brands/models break very quick and others last just a bit longer. I wouldn't give up on Easton. If you were to say buy a Bauer X60, you won't have much better luck. I suggest you buy the stick that has the kick, flex, curve, and feel you like and stick with it. Yes, it's going to break. Could be in one day, could last 2 yrs, you never know. It doesn't matter the brand, they all break. I laugh at the customers who complain a stick is "heavy", then go for a lighter model that is sure to last 31 days. The only model stick that lasts longer and has excellent durability is the Easton ST, very much like the CNT with the kevlar reinforcement. Since you like easton curves, try one of them, it's only a little bit heavier than the sE16.

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I've never used an Easton ST, but like others, I hear they're tanks.

I tend to switch off between sticks a lot, so I rarely break sticks because by the time they're ready to break, I buy new ones.

I have a One95 that is a little whippy now, but still solid and it got a fair amount of use. I have an S19 that is starting to show some wear (there's an iffy crack I'm worried about, and it's my favourite stick), my '11 Dolo is in pretty good shape, but I am noticing some chipping on the toe and heel of the blade.

As far as other brands, I don't know much. There's the Sherwood T90, but I know two people who have broken those relatively quickly, but they play at a decent level, so...your mileage may vary. Haven't used or know anyone who's used Reebok's sticks, so I can't comment on their durability.

In terms of other sticks feeling like an Easton. No luck, in my opinion, so far. Feel is such a subjective thing, though, that giving some other brands a shot probably isn't a bad idea if you've got the budget for it...

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