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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Stick question

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Recently I was watching a NHL game and I saw a couple players using what looked like a completely white stick. I am trying to figure out who manufactures the stick . Does any one know? The stick looks awesome and blends in with ice so well. .. Thanks for looking

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He used to paint it white when he was with the ducks. The recent ones i've seen were painted white from the factory. Theres a thread about it here somewhere.

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I'm pretty sure he just paints it white.

Actually I think it was the opposite. In another thread a while back, someone showed some great pics of his sticks that showed the white disappearing up underneath the Warrior lettering on the stick, making it seem clear that they came that way for him.

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Here are pics from someone who saw his stick firsthand and snapped these. White from the factory now, although he did used to paint them.





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If I was him I'd actually be terrible with this stick, I need to use black tape on my blade so I can see where the blade is relative to the puck with my peripheral vision when shooting, this thing would be a total ghost!


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I read somewhere he does it cause he 'hates color contrasting' when he looks down at something. His golf clubs are also plain black ahah

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