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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Shaft and Blade Question

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I have used a tapered easton se16 shaft with easton blade. But never used a standard shaft and blade. Im using a Total one 1 piece and love it but I would like to get a shaft and blade for a back up. Im intereseted in total one set up but the standard blade looks like it will be really blade heavy. Can anyone tell me how standard shaft and blade feels. And if it will play like a tapered shaft and blade. Thanks

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I have used a tapered easton se16 shaft with easton blade. But never used a standard shaft and blade. Im using a Total one 1 piece and love it but I would like to get a shaft and blade for a back up. Im intereseted in total one set up but the standard blade looks like it will be really blade heavy. Can anyone tell me how standard shaft and blade feels. And if it will play like a tapered shaft and blade. Thanks

It won't feel like a tapered shaft and blade combo at all really.

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I use a one95 intermediate shaft with a standard SR ABS blade (reebok 2k/bauer one30) and that doesn't feel blade heavy at all. I do use a tackimac grip which may balance it out, but a composite blade probably won't make it feel that heavy.

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I have 2 totalONE shafts with ballistik blades in them and they feel perfectly fine and I have ops totalONEs as well and switch back and fourth all the time with no problems.

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Standard shaft total one will feel stiffer at the same flex rating than either of the other sticks you mentioned.

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My One95 Shaft + wood One95 blade combo feels lighter than most OPS that came out just a few year ago.

But getting a composite blade will definitely make it lighter and more balance, although I have a hard time getting used to the weight balance.

Get a Total One + Total One Blade, you won't regret it

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Standard shaft total one will feel stiffer at the same flex rating than either of the other sticks you mentioned.

Will a standard Total one set be heavier than a tapered set? For example X60?

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My One95 Shaft + wood One95 blade combo feels lighter than most OPS that came out just a few year ago.

But getting a composite blade will definitely make it lighter and more balance, although I have a hard time getting used to the weight balance.

Get a Total One + Total One Blade, you won't regret it

Bauer finally ditched a wooden supreme blade. Wonder if they will do the same with the new vapor line

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